Is SAFE really that big of a deal?

Here in Germany ISP’s primary offerings are Internetaccess and Bandwith. For them Storage is more of an afterthought.I guess that will be the same in most other countries.

Maidsafe is working to replace cenralized storage for the Internet and assumes internetaccess and bandwidth to be present/sufficient.

For optimizing Internetacces and Bandwidth there are some interesting network initiatives like Freifunk in Germany, Guifi in Catalonia(Spain) and Serval in Australia. They have only local scope however and they can only optimize bandwith use and the process of contacting one or more ISPs. At the end of the day nearly everything in these networks enters the Internet over some ISP.

It will be impractical to try to get rid of ISP’s altogether. For true World Wide access a satellite and/or fiber infrastructure will be needed for the foreseeable future.