Introduce yourself

Hello folks! I am a budding MAID user. I am trying to install this on 64 bit Ubuntu MATE. This will be interesting to say the least. Looking forward to talking with you


Hello my friends,

MaxSilver here (aka Paul Morris) I was VERY surprised to find this and have been contemplating ideas along this line for a few years now. Iā€™m happy some people have gotten together to bring this idea to life. Personal security with the ability to communicate on a wide scale has been a deep concern for me. Turning over your personal information to commercial entities means you lose your ability to maintain confidentiality.

We have a great opportunity here to to disrupt the current paradigm of intentional social intrusion by centrally controlled information centers. Iā€™m in on this one to do what ever I can to make it work and be attractive to others.

I have been in the IT world for better than thirty years working in systems administration as well as retail sales, construction and real estate. I will jump into whatever I can do to help move the project forward.

See you out there!


Hello everyone. I have heard great things about the SAFE network and maidsafe coins. I canā€™t wait to see it implemented and then scaled out. I look forward to being a part of this community. I see great things coming from this project.


My name is Dr. Pavel Grey. I am a Business Systems Analyst but currently work as an investor and a loan lender. I am the general manager of PG investments and Finance Ltd located in New York City, USA with branches in other countries and we give out any amount of loans to interested persons globally with an affordable rate. I am also a software developer and i strong believe Maidsafe will make this platform bigger and well known too. I am really eager to follow the progress of MaidSafe and to see if it can deliver on its promises. If it does, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be a huge success, and Iā€™ll try to help out where I can to make it so.

Am really very happy to discover MaidSafe and it can boost several of my projects, so currently I have developed startup companies, high personal stake in making this technology work - and wrapping my own head around it first which is not always easy :smile:

So Iā€™m incredibly lucky to find such an incredible community to push for a new world. Happy to be here !But I try my best to remember my roots and be involved in projects like Bitcoin and Maidsafe that have world-changing implications.

I look forward to helping out this project in any ways I can with my limited amount of free time available.
Dr. Pavel Grey


Hello everyone,

My name is Camelia, 34 years old from the Netherlands. I am a proud mommy of a beautifull son of 18 months old.
In the cryptocurrency world i am what you call a ā€œnewbieā€ (haha). Known about Bitcoin sinds 2009, but never really tryied to learn more about cryptocurrencies till a few months ago. I love the fact that there is so much to learn, and I do learn every day something new. I wanted to get involved in a community, but there was no idea that really appealed to me.
Untill I read about Maidsafe: I really love the concept of ā€œfarmingā€ (providing a decentralized internet where you are the only one who has the key to what you store).
Unfortunately I am not a developer, so I cannot contribute anything specific right now. But I do plan on starting to follow a course as soon as possible, on how to became a developer. After that I would be more then glad to help out the community of Maidsafe.
So untill then, Iā€™m just paciently waiting for what will come.


Hi everyone,

I am currently a theoretical physics student at Imperial College London. I was only first introduced to computer programming in 2013 with Python as part of my degree course. Since then Iā€™ve discovered a whole new ecosystem of open source projects.

Iā€™ve used my programming skills at physics research groups during my summers since. I am planning on doing a PhD in Physics but with a highly demanding computing element to it. Last summer I was writing a module in Python to support hard-core quantum mechanics calculations which I plan to release this summer.

In addition to Python Iā€™ve taught myself C++ and HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Iā€™ve written a whole website from scratch for my squash club and now I use my free time to explore machine learning.

I guess Iā€™ve become increasingly interested in how the economy functions and why greed and corruption still prevail in the modern world. I dream of a world where more horizontal interations take place, where decentralisation wins. So a thought popped into my head one day questioning the need for servers. So I google ā€œinternet without serversā€ and the first hit is an article about MaidSafe. So here I am :smiley:


Hello all, I have been looking at MaidSafe for a while and I am now starting to take a look at working though my first app by following a tutorial. I am a web developer by trade (Ruby mostly with some JS) but I have been getting into Elm and Rust in my own time. The latter being one of the things that got me interested in MaidSafe vs the other decentralised systems. Sounds very promising so far so I wanted to dip my toes in. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have questions here soon enough. :grinning: :wave:t4:


Hi, my name is Chris Beckett. I am a Canadian, but I live in Seattle, WA. I have been a professional developer/architect/designer/project manager/etc for 27 years focused mainly on Microsoft-related tools and technologies. I have done projects in International Banking and Finance, Broadcasting, and Telecommunications. I have also authored a couple of books, and authored and delivered classroom and online training.

About 3 years ago I reset my career to focus on universal applications written in HTML5/JavaScript, open source, and open standards. I also had a keen interest in blockchain and p2p technologies and have been looking for the right combination of technologies to focus my future efforts.

I am extremely excited about the future of MaidSafe. I am now pinning all my future endeavors to MaidSafe, and eagerly awaiting the next Alpha to begin actively developing projects on the SAFE network.

I am interested in sponsoring and helping coordinate a Seattle MaidSafe Community, and also looking for local and remote collaborators to develop applications. I am also looking forward to being a SAFE farmer once that opens up.



Hey there!

Iā€™m Sebastiao, a brazilian mobile/games programmer. Iā€™ve been on the industry for 15 years now, and Iā€™m here because I believe in 3 things:

  • First - the future of public management, education and politics is online.

  • Second - we need a new internet, and we need to lay the legal, technical and ideological foundations for this new internet today.

  • Third - SAFE has a solid enough architecture to deliver on these premises.

I also believe that what drives adoption of closed or open platforms are killer applications. That said, I would like to help the community with the iOS/Swift and Unity3D sdks, and developer relations in general.

PS: Iā€™m in Florianopolis SC, Brazil

Cheers :beers:


Hello My name is Chuck a computer enthusiast . I have tried net based ways to make little extra money with a little success In Z cash mining and Storjā€¦ Not happy with results and want to see what Maidsafe is about I have some good equipment to play with ā€¦lots of processing power 2 AMD FX 8 core systems and storage bout 10 TB and super fast internetā€¦ 32 GB System Memory and 6 RX 480s .A lot of time on my hands. Storj Just cut there farmer payout ā€¦not happyā€¦


Hello everyone!

My name is Liam. I first got into cryptocurrency around the end of 2013 - just as bitcoin was doing itā€™s bubble rise. A friend mentioned it earlier in April 2013 but I dismissed it until I stumbled on it online again by chance. Iā€™m not a developer, more an idealist I suppose. Iā€™ll be honest the first thing that struck me was the potential to 3x/5x/10x my money haha but as I researched the technology more I was very impressed.

I bought some btc and stuck around, reading more into other altcoins. I was part of the ICO for MAID so Iā€™ve been a long-time invested lurker haha. Itā€™s quite a funny story because I actually was deciding between investing in MAID or Ethereum - I donā€™t know why it didnā€™t cross my mind that I could invest in both (as you can tell Iā€™m not very savvy). Anyway I put some money into MAID, and then for 2+ years I didnā€™t keep myself updated at all in crypto news. And now reading again 3 months ago Iā€™m kicking myself for not putting some money into Ethereum ha. I still have MAID though and the potential upsides are still there so Iā€™ll keep being patient :-).


Greetings from Thailand

My name is Citta Dhammo, though i tend to use ā€œAcharnā€ on the internet as it is easier for everyone to pronounce. Have been following MaidSafe since 2014 and think it is one of the most interesting concepts
that i know about. I have no coding ability, do not have an income and a very limited internet so i cant bring much to the community except enthusiasm and a genuine desire to see MaidSafe become a success.

I guess there will not be many (if any) Buddhist monks on the forum or in the community so those who do have questions pls send private message or connect with me on social media. I prefer to keep my activity on the MaidSafe forums to learning about the tech and social uses. I am a n00b but a very willing one.

Always happy to accept advice, be advised what to read up on or videos that will help me (or others) understand our rapidly changing online world. If there are any community members living or working in Thailand then pls let me know. Thanx


Hi all

I prefer not to say my name.
I am a Private banker in Geneva, Switzerland.
I manage the portfolio of a large family office and invest the wealth of private clients in traditional markets (Equities, Fixed Income, and Gold mainly)
I manage over $400m worth in diversified assets. I am 37 and I consider myself very lucky because my hard work has paid off so far in my career, and because I love my job and my family life. Before that I was trader and risk manager at JP Morgan and before an option trader on Gold & Silver at a bullion bank. I prefer not to say much cause I want to remain anonymous. I am good at what I do.

I have always had a passion for money. Not about being rich, about money itself. I find it fascinating that the whole system rests on paper, debt and trust. I got to know bitcoin through submissions on hacker news, very early, and it took me months before I invested a small amount when it was trading 3$ (about 3000 bitcoins). I could have afford much more. Having a traderā€™s mentality, I sold every thing when bitcoin doubled at 6$. The rest is history. Never touched it again cause I thought it was too expensive, then by pride (because I thought I was an asshole to have sold). I ducked at the price bubble. Besides, I realized early that bitcoin could crumble under its own weight, and the bottleneck of the blockchain, and the perveted powers of miners. It was an additional argument for me not to get back in even when bitcoin was trading shy above 200$ again.

Later I read and understood about the block chain and the revolution Ethereum was bringing on the table. I thought ETH was great, but the non-capped money supply made me suspicious of ETH being a store of value.Further, because it was block-chained based, I refused to believe they could achieve what they were selling. I thought the same hurdles as bitcoin were looming for ETH. i was about to invest a small amount, when the hack & fork happened and therefore never touched it out of fear.

Then a few weeks ago, I opened a Private banking account for a bitcoin whale. The guy wants to sell. He is tired of sitting on paper gains, and he is tired of the fork/no fork debates of the bitcoin community. It was surprisingly hard to open his account in a Swiss Private bank because compliance departments are very suspicious when it comes to bitcoin. Setting up his account was a slap in the back again, and I read about all the new altcoins and understood, it was not just shitcoins anymore. I was literally shock when I read first about safe and its potential and understanding I was still early on this one.

Here I am. Hating myself for missing two boats. Determined in not being left behind ever again.
Lat week I started investing in MAID, DASH and ETH, and will keep increasing my stack, with 1 rule. Do not sell :wink:


Hi everyone,
My name is John Spellman and Iā€™ve become new to the cryptocurrency world a couple months ago. Iā€™ve started researching and investing into Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, Iā€™ve become extremely interested in Maidsafe over the last couple weeks. I work at a medical company during the day so I donā€™t have the same background as a majority of you guys but Iā€™m trying to catch up as quick as possible! Haha. I have several questions so Iā€™d love to talk to you guys about Maidsafe and when the actual SAFE network goes live!


My name is Jace Barnett. I just learned about SAFE this evening. I was bored, and I decided to see what the likelihood of a real, ā€œnew Internetā€ like the one ā€œRichard Hendricksā€ of HBOā€™s Silicon Valley hopes to develop could actually come to fruition. My research brought me here, and I have to say that I think this is quite possibly the single, coolest P2P idea that I can remember discovering. Iā€™m also incredibly surprised that I had never heard of it until tonight considering that I am a serial entrepreneur that exists solely in the digital space. Not only that, but I am a big fan of cryptocurrency and peer to peer technologies. It seems like I should have stumbled across this platform a couple years ago.

Oh well, Iā€™m here now!

I would love to get involved and help in any way that I can. I am most curious (and thus I will be studying this item after this post) how the SAFE network performs with dynamic content and databases. I can imagine how static content could be shared in this way, but itā€™s hard for me to wrap my head around how it would work with something more complex than static sites. But I also assume that if we are building a ā€œnew Internetā€ we arenā€™t handicapping technology and limiting in that capacity either. So I am quite looking forward to my research.


Hello Skynet. Really intrigued by this project. I have a lot of catching up to do !


Hi, My name is Jim Castle and I live in Nagoya, Japan. About a year I was using Facebook and a notice popped up momentarily from one of the groups I subscribe to, Singularity Hub. These notifications only appear for three seconds then are gone. I happened to catch it and it was about Blockchain. That was in Feb. of 2016. Iā€™ve been obsessed with learning about this technology ever since.

I had heard of Bitcoin, but it was really the underlying technology of blockchain that really fascinated me. I began studying in earnest and accumulated all the information I could find into a personal library on a Facebook GroupPage called ā€œEther Jimā€™s Blockchain Research Pageā€.

My academic background is a Bachelorā€™s in General Studies and a MA in Economics. Iā€™ve always had a great interest in IT. Somehow, however I ended up in Japan teaching English for the last twenty years. I teach conversation, and Business and Engineering English. I tell myself now it was fate so as to meet my wife and create my three children. And to wait until Blockchain technology was invented.

I want to change my career into Digital Currencies. Last year I took the Univ. of Nicosia in Cyprus MOOC on Digital Currencies. Iā€™ve taken the course twice now, as for a one time fee I can take the course repeatedly which I plan to do. In one lesson, MaidSafe was mentioned. So, I visited the website and was immediately intrigued. I even applied for the ā€œBusiness Development Professionalā€ position on a lark. Itā€™s definitely above my skill level, but Nick Lambert was very gracious in his politely turning me down for the job. Still, here I am.

I donā€™t know where this will lead. Last year I invested $2000 (borrowed) in Ether when the price was $15/ETH. Then, one day news got confusing news and I panicked. There was much I didnā€™t understand because I was so new. So, I bailed. Iā€™m not the type to gamble. Later the DAO fiasco occurred. Now in the last few months the price has soared and I lost out on making a huge gain. Too bad.

This time I am investing my frugal resources into MAID and I plan to stick with it no matter what. The concept is, as I understand it, is just what we needā€¦ to go back to basics with a new protocol for the Internet that addresses all the fundamental flaws of http and the WWW. There is much I need to learn, and everyday I continue my studies. Curiously, MaidSafe isnā€™t even blockchain. Am I mistaken? I have much to learn.

Iā€™m not sure I will ever actually work for a company in this field. I donā€™t have the programming skills. Possibly I could do consulting, but frankly my Japanese isnā€™t business level fluent. So, speculation is the only was I think I can monetize my knowledge. I hope I am successful. I try to teach people about the technology, which is still so new. Iā€™m the only person I know who knows much about the technology. I little ahead of my time as usual. I trust that opportunities will present themselves if I stay true to my passion. Do what you love and the money will follow perhaps?

Iā€™m pretty sure that some very horrible things are occurring in the world economy. The processes have been in place for some time. This is the year when when it all begins to unravel in ways that will be obvious to everyone. The economy has been terrible for some time, and the cooked statistics of our government donā€™t match what ordinary people really know. Iā€™m just trying to prepare for a very uncertain future.

Good luck everyone. I believe in the visionary concept of the MaidSafe Team and Iā€™m glad to be one of the ā€˜very early adoptersā€™ of this technology. My instincts about Ether were correct. Iā€™m trusting my gut on this one as well. Thank you all for your participation in this project and the hard-working MaidSafe Team in particular. Letā€™s make this vision a reality. Cheers! Jim


Hi I am Oleksii Konashevych (my personal web)
I am 34 yo. I am a researcher and doing my PhD on the use of the blockchain tech in e-governance and e-democracy in EU.
I am a fellow of LAST-JD (ā€œLaw, Science and Technologyā€) and my program is taking place in 4 universities: Bologna (Italy), Turin (Italy), Barcelona (Spain) and Luxemburg

I am a co-founder of project which is about developing tools of e-voting based on the blockchain.

Meanwhile, I am developing some reforms in Ukraine (I was born here). I became a co-author of the law on e-petitions in Ukraine (2015) and I am a member of the NGO group which is pushing e-dem/e-gov agenda in Ukraine.

I watched this project since 2014 and still have a hope that itā€™s gonna have success.


Hi Im Josh
I can guarantee Im not one of the smarter ones here lol. Theres a lot I dont understand but Im here wanting to learn more because I have a general idea of what Maidsafe wants to do and it is very appealing. I might ask some silly questions here and there but I will do my best to learn as I want to invest into maidsafe coin, and also am curious about, for lack of better words, being a ā€œhostā€, downloading the software. Thats a big part I want to learn about.

Anyways, Iā€™ll do my best



Hi everybody

my name is Eddie,

I got involved in MAID through my friend SwissPrivateBanker and i just discovering all this work with all the possibilities.
i am very motivating to learn about this new tech.

happy to be part of this new world.

have a great day and good week end everybody.
