Please go easy on me but can someone read the following and supply input on whether it’s correct? I know i’m lacking a ton of details but trying to have a quick overview to rattle off to people:
There are tons of other features being developed but the core function of the SAFE Network is a p2p network that stores encrypted chunks of files. Before someones data is put on the network it is encrypted on your computer. The computer breaks up the data into chunks and stores it around the network. You have to pay SAFE Coin to put data on the network. When the data is stored a data map is created to retrieve the chunks later to be recombined to read the original data.
All correct
You might mention that you only pay once, when data is PUT. Also, that anyone can browse public data, such as websites, that has been stored.
Thank you and I will add that in!
There are tons of other features being developed but the core function of the SAFE Network is a P2P network that stores encrypted chunks of files. Before someones data is put on the network it is encrypted on your computer. The computer breaks up the data into chunks and stores it around the network. To put data on the network you will pay SAFE Coin but only once to save it. When the data is stored a data map is created to retrieve the chunks later to be recombined to read the original data. There will be both public data and private data stored on the network.
****Any further suggestions??? Much appreciation!!!
I would also say that by participating in the network with your own resources you will earn safecoin.
Also that the network allows completely private and secure messaging, and uncensorable websites, in addition to the secure storage.
Depends on to whom and why you’re communicating, of course.
Not sure if this is correct or not - but I think so –
I like to call it “Double blind peer to peer networking cloud”
I know I PUT, but I don’t know where my files are stored I know I answer GETs, but I don’t know who’s files those are or who they will ultimately be delivered to. It is secure because it is double-blind.
Thanks for the additional input!