I don't get it, why can't ad be run on the SAFEnetwork? It can be like Brave!

It needs to be implemented network wide and not with some app. @neo’s idea of the app is more than terrible and will cause people who do not want to see ads to suffer. Because basically, then, website owners will put up ads anyway the old banner style, there’s no centralised ad network so advertisers will simply contact the website owners. Note that currently, ad blockers only work because they can recognise which image is an ad due to centralised ad networks being in existence, if that doesn’t exist, then ad blockers won’t work. Website owners will always put up ads, that’s how they get income from their website.

PLEASE find me a popular site these days without ads… and when you can’t, please realise it’s a VERY bad idea to block/censor all ads, 95% of website owners/publishers would lose one of the major motivators to make the website, aka, for profit. And plus, you still won’t be able to censor them ANYWAY. Only now, even the people who DO NOT want to see ads would have no choice.

P.S. The pay the producer idea is great for incentivising content except you’re forgetting there’s no money in the first place. Once people stop using the network to store new data then it would collapse. (Safenetwork sustainability concerns - Bandwidth has an ongoing cost however Safenetwork is a pay once, benefit forever model) Revenue from other sources like advertising is one of the only ways for the network to sustain long term. I wonder how @dirvine and the team is addressing these serious issues regarding how can the economy of the whole network be sustained by the demand of storing new data alone?