It is such a conceptual hurdle for people given what they are used to.
You can say well, its indelible.
But the current net is like that too, but to a lessor extent. And I both hate and love the idea. Love that in theory (foundation is vulnerable for the foreseable future) corp and state actors can’t erase/edit/censor, but we can’t either.
You can say: but you’d have to buy a server and manage the mechanics and forms of censorship by ISPs if you had real content in volume to upload and that is not the case here. True but there is still a lot of friction to overcome even if you say its free to read and the most secure.
And people will wonder reflexively why they can’t just offer local storage as payment. I see why that can’t hold because it because immutabilty would be lost but that will have to be explained. But again this also isn’t full control of the data you identify with as it is double edged.
And another issue early on against this pay to upload will be the speed of the network.
It won’t be a real time network earlier on and it will be up against expectations that are increasingly real time.
It is good for transparency as a counter to greed over bribery, blackmail-extortion and in conjuction with AI. It is good as a medium for AI to exert control that can’t pratically be wiped out save for the foundation being an early central point of failure that the UK state or others could still manipulate.
I am not convinced stupid ads and and theft of attention or attention scraping and enclosure have been barred.
And of course I have stated countless times here I think payment to devs or content providers should be after the fact totally voluntary and only at the rate of what someone thinks something is worth to them or society if anything with no stigma for non payment and only primarily as a pump primer. If something is zero marginal cost in production its price needs to reflect that close to zero basis at scale in the payment increment.
It was regardless a necessary avenue of development. If it fails, get rid of the coin and pay the producer (focus on supply side welfare is a slippery slope to trickle down) as it conflicts with end user (we are all end users) having full control to the limit of practicality over things like the end user interface. But for the first time I am wondering if without a coin immutability can be retained. But the coin and the PTP are other points of centralizing leverage and failure.
Another point of failure is reaching orbital velocity with the pay to upload friction slowing down the ramp, where the networkis vulnerable as it attempts to reach scale. But I guess this is countered by pitching the coin as an investment for early users.