[How To]: Buy/Move/Store OMNI MAID :safe: hardware and software wallets

If you copy the bitcoin address from Electrum and paste it into Omni explorer it will show any MAID and Bitcoin at the address. No need to import private keys to do that.

In Electrum you won’t see MAID, but if there is MAID there it will show as a small amount of Bitcoin. If the balance is zero in Electrum you don’t have any coins there.

Well… It’s showing no Bitcoin after trying to restore from my seeds so I guess there’s no MAID there and that’s why there was no address to paste into omniexplorer… cause I couldn’t find anything on the Electrum page that would satisfy what omniexplorer was asking for.

Perhaps I did something wrong in trying to recover the MAID but it seemed a simple enough process. When Electrum asked if I wanted to restore from seeds I said YES, and when it offered a box to enter the seeds I did so… so I assumed the coins were there I just couldn’t see them. Maybe they’re gone. I don’t know. I pasted the seeds as a single phrase from my records. Maybe I made a mistake in that way. I’ll try again.

Thanks for helping.

Yeh, sounds like you don’t have the right addresses so maybe retry the restore. When you open Electrum you can copy a bitcoin address from the Addresses tab (by right clicking on it I think), then paste that into either a bitcoin or omni explorer. Obvs only the latter would show MAID. But if the balance in Electrum is zero, there is no MAID or Bitcoin on the address.

I’ll try it. I’ll have to wait until I can get to my computer. Thanks.

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Is it possible you spent the tiny amount of btc that was used to send the maid?
If so the maid could still be there but you wouldn’t see any btc.

That’s incorrect. If there is any MAID there, it appears as a small amount of BTC when viewed in a bitcoin wallet. Zero balance = zero MAID.

Wait, isn’t it possible that a bitcoin wallet spent all the BTC from the MAID address, but the MAID amount can still be claimed/moved if you send some BTC to the same address?
So technically you could have zero BTC balance with a MAID balance, right?

Originally I had two different wallets, one on a Tails thumb drive and another in a Windows 7 Virtual Box on a Mac. I was taking it one wallet at a time and started with the Tails thumb drive seeds but It’s been years and at some point I must have consolidated the wallets after the Tails thumb drive failed. When I tried the seed from the virtual box, Electrum does in fact show a small amount of bitcoin and my 5000+ maid. I can see the MAID in Electrum and also on omniexplorer.

Thank you Happy Being, Dimitar, and everyone else, I’m so grateful for your help. Now, if only I can find a way to sell/exchange from the USA, which I think I’ve got covered.

Thanks again


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No, as stated if there are MAID present a bitcoin wallet shows this as a small amount of bitcoin. (Though it isn’t actually available bitcoin)

So if a bitcoin wallet, unaware of the OMNI asset present in an address, spends the last UTXO from that address, the MAID is irreversibly lost?

I’ve never tried so am not sure if it is spendable or what happens if you were to spend it.

Me neither, and I’m certainly not going to try :slight_smile:

All I’ve done recently was add some BTC to my MAID address, as I noticed that the BTC amount originally sent to it (fundraiser transaction) would no longer be enough to move the funds today.

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They are not coloured coins and are not attached to the btc.
You can move the btc and the maid remain.
The btc are sent in order for omni to recognise the transaction.
I could be wrong, but I don’t believe so.


That’s not my understanding, but I don’t recall the technicalities so am not certain.

Yes, this is correct:

What’s with the “Transaction history might contain invalid omni token transactions” warning?
You may notice a warning about invalid transactions on top of the USDT wallet. This is because, different from real coin transactions, omni token transactions can’t be checked for validity immediately after broadcast. The transaction on the base (Bitcoin) layer will be valid and will confirm, but on the omni layer, the sender may have insufficient funds for example, making the transaction invalid. So when receiving USDT, check it on the block explorer that is shows as “successful” after confirmed.

The OMNI MAID tokens continue to exist on the OMNI protocol, ie. nothing will happen to the MAID, it will sit there until you send bitcoin to the address, then you will be able to move the OMNI MAID tokens again.


So you could send the bitcoin, end up with a zero balance on the address in a bitcoin wallet but still have MAID at the address as @bones suggested. My apologies!


Hi, which exchange do people from the Safenet community recommend using for buying Maidsafe tokens?
I live in US and global.bittrex.com said I can’t use them because of my location. (and US bittrex doesn’t have MAID.)
I currently only see hitbtc, and did a quick search and saw several horror stories on the internet. (more horror stories than for bittrex or other exchanges I looked up).
Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

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HitBTC is an selective scam, cheating a certain percentage of people in order to have both positive and negative opinions and not to be able to prove that they are a scam. The owners of the exchange are anonymous:

HitBTC Post address for correspondence:
Hit Tech Solutions Development Ltd.
Suite 15, Oliaji Trade Centre, Francis Rachel Street,
Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

So try this from US:

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve never used them but I’m assuming the Changelly company is trustworthy.

This might hurt MAIDsafe’s image if the only centralized exchange that US accesses is one scam one.
Do you know if there’s work being done to get on a legit exchange soon’ish? (I actually just saw this page Community-Driven Exchange Listing Proposal) but am interested in a TLDR and updated for nowadays, if it’s not too much work. Thanks

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MaidSafe is working on this, but it is not a priority. I personally would get 112 tokens at the current price without waiting to join The 112 Club :