I think speed will be an important factor for making effective Web apps and websites on SAFE Network.
Most websites so far built on SAFE tend to be sluggish when you click on a link etc, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
The following shows that we can have blazing fast websites on SAFE Network by using the same tech designed to create the fastest sites on the Web.
React-static does this not just by creating a static website, but by making each page compact and bundled, along with built in preloading of linked pages just in time for the visitor to click on them (e.g. on page load, or when a link scrolls into view etc).
The following demo shows the same React-static website on both Web and SAFE, and can be used by anyone as a starting point for testing this out or developing their own super fast website, with all the power of React.
After adding new content or editing a page you can build your website and automatically upload it to Web and/or SAFE Network with one command.
Static pages sounds alot like freenets version of the web. Those always came off as the internet was in the early 90s. Then again zeronet has done something similar where the admin can update and push newer keys for the current page, but there is certainly alot of latency involved in propogation and that is more of a direct p2p, whereas safe is supposedly designed more like freenet where everything is sharded, hopefully maid isnt anything like freenet.
I should clarify that React-static creates websites that are fast because the majority of the content is optimised for loading quickly (ie small, minimal number of files, loaded just in time before the user clicks etc) but…
… you can also easily mix in dynamic content where you want it, and can use/create React Components and even the Ionic cross platform Web Components to build state of the art websites and Web dApps on SAFE Network, including for mobile.
I’m still a noob learning about React, Ionic and React-static myself, but I think it’s a very exciting way to build websites that will work on the clearweb, port easily to SAFE, and potentially re-use that code across Web, iOS and Android.
I think this versatile and performant set of options could prove very attractive when people used to building on the Web want to come across to SAFE Network, and of course will be particularly attractive to those already using React and/or Ionic.