How has the logging changed since upgrade on 28th Aug 2024

I was wondering if the log messages have been trimmed down and many removed. Is it a build parameter to enable more detailed logging? I am building ‘safe’ from the codebase

It was great to be able to trawl through the logs gaining information to research things. Especially in local networks.

For instance getting the xor address (hash) of the chunks being uploaded was super easy, now I cannot find them and any reference to chunkAddress is a singular reference and just a few hex digits long. There should be at least 3, one for each chunk and some file xor xor/hash too.

For instance I cannot find this type of message

[2024-07-23T12:40:22.413476Z DEBUG sn_networking] send_and_get_responses for Query(GetStoreCost(NetworkAddress::ChunkAddress(593be5 - f1b33f5b88515c636dce94623d1605e0b7b672d37f8ca4e97a009547519a0ffe)))

Is there a way to re-enable the better and 100 times more useful logging information ? Or has this been removed forever?

@chriso I am guessing its a build parameter that is needed to enable more detailed logging since the release version still has the logging info I desired

EDIT2: that was with the version from last week. This week’s release is missing that log entry.
So is it a build parameter. I ask because I built with codebase I have from the last version and it also wasn’t in it but the last version release had it

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I’m not aware of any build time configuration that varies the verbosity or output of logging.

To get verbose output for the client, you could try:

export SN_LOG=v
export RUST_LOG=trace
safe <args>

Yes thank you, that gives it.

Seems then that the default logging level was changed for release

I’m not sure. It wasn’t mentioned in any of the changelog contributions, although of course that doesn’t definitively mean someone didn’t do it. They might have done something and chosen not to mention it, or forgot.