Why we need bigger testnets before we make any huuuge changes IMHO
Are we close to being able to demand SNT for uploads?
Is there any point in me^ working on a trivial faucet that would distribute a small amount of SNT to requesters who can then use that to upload data for testnets? Exercises DBCs and may mitigate flooding of testnets by well intentioned but clumsy gits like me and someone who slaps up 40Gb of mp3s HNY BTW @aatonnomicc
Perhaps we may get better “buy in” to the testnets if they had more features?
I see a faucet working something like this…
Someone (who might just be known as @Josh) fires up a test net, They then put up a page that asks for your username walletURL and PK. You connect to the testnet (no need to join as a node just yet), safe keys create --for-cli && safe wallet create
Copy n paste relevant values into the form.
On hitting submit the values are copied into an SQLite (or whatever ) db. The genesis DBC is copied into a wallet and a very small % is transferred to $FAUCET_STASH
Then a wee script can get run to send a small amount from $FAUCET_STASH (say sufficient for 2-300MB upload - discuss) to everyone in the SQLite db.
Then users can put
and get
as usual. Perhaps make it so when you publish a valid URL to data you just paid to upload, you get sent another wee bonus of SNT to encourage further (limited) uploads?
But the vast majority of the genesis DBC is retained for other yet to be decided DBC fun and games.
None of this precludes anyone from joining as a node but may make it more engaging for those who are not yet ready to jump into running their own node.
^ and my pal ChatGPT
PS - Am I OK to use that logo here?