When do you guys think will be the next major breakthrough in development? To the point where people will want to trade GBTS a lot more frequently? (And hopefully at higher and higher prices, if any type of eventual [even] greater success is had with the project.) Maybe getting on more exchanges? Or some kind of real-world implementation of Gamerbits software? Seems like good content has been created, and now we just need a lot of use cases where large groups of communities feel super at-ease, super comfortable with using the wallet/apps. I almost feel like people who are a fan of the Idea that Gamerbits has created, will want to use it for their various crypto needs… though, I am curious about how or when actual gaming communities will be on specifically this Ethereum wallet solution. (Obviously you can’t get 100% of to-be-called “gamers” to be on board with this solution, even with the most technically perfect widespread implantation in the demographic’s mind.) I seem to have this vision of it being a major integration with them, some day, like on Twitch, or wherever else. I guess for now, there’s primarily the Chinese market that is catered to, specifically with the MaidSafe Alpha solution that’s presently in place. For all I know, there already is a lot going on, though I and perhaps a number of others don’t seem to be in the right place to see all of the activity happening directly.
I feel like maybe there is a funding issue going on right now on the developer side? (I don’t want to assume any truths, though.) I mean, there’s still a chunk of money that has been set aside for developer usage, that was provided through the crowd sale. Then there’s the issue of time, or heck, even time-ing, as far as the whole 2022 event. Seems pretty far away, haha. In short, there seems to be a lot of imagination to work with, when it comes to this project. There is the website for information, of course. I do feel that-- now that all the template information and functionality has been set on the table, it would additionally help to kind of brainstorm with this forum’s community let alone others around the world, some kind of bigger picture that will eventually come down the road for Gamerbits, even if it’s just a list of all the communities that have been positively affected by the project, so far. As much as an average GBTS community member would be able to envision seamless integration with various gaming platforms, it would even more so help to have the minds of its developers lay out detailed, mechanically explained goals. If anything I hope to see continually evolved ease-of-use interfaces.
Random mundane nitpick: I notice the scrolling section on your website’s Completed Software section. I think it scrolls a little too fast. Once a viewer sees how fast it is scrolling, their brain gives up on trying to focus all of its attention on one of the features. I suggest making it at least a couple seconds slower, or even five more!
As with anything, it all comes down to what will grab people’s attention the greatest. I feel like I’ve understood a lot more of the project by typing all this, and would like to attempt to personally utilize it to the greatest of my understanding, at the time being. But I mean, will the Safenet truly not be done by 2022? If it’s done by 2020 let’s say, then doesn’t that make Gamerbits obsolete before its involvement with the Hangzhou Olympic eSports? At best it would compete with it in terms of mind share, at worst be completely crushed. It almost feels like, that, since Gamerbits is “the first altcoin to use Safenet’s [Alpha] technology,” it’s potentially the only coin out there that has a cozy and trustworthy direct relationship with SafeNetwork to the point where it won’t be under a “be completely crushed” mentality —unlike all other coins out there, which are destined and doomed to be crushed under the weight of S. Net. You heard it here first, all multiple millions of members of the entire cryptocurrency community: conjoin yourself with the glory of The SAFE Network if you want to survive!