We have raised $385 only $115 to go until we give a way our first $50 gift card.
Don’t know anything about Jason or the show, but I’ll support spreading he word to anyone who’ll listen, and trav to stop him having to dig as deep in his own pockets if he needs to at the end.
I’m confused by this … did the organizer ask for a “donation” from each of the 400 people interviewed on the show? Is this paid advertising, and if so, is the show marketed as such, with the appropriate disclaimers?
Please keep in mind that this topic is centred on the fundraising and not political and/or merits of the presenter. If people want to further discuss the presenter and his merits and/or political views then that would be better in a topic in the off-topic category, which can be a linked topic to this one.
I do not understand your question.
When you say organizer, who do you mean? Do you mean the host of the show. What “400 people interviewed on the show” are you talking about, because the show does not usually interview people? The show has recently started a donation program similar to a Kick Starter campaign, where its patrons receive rewards for donating. Its all explained in the below link.
I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion about what we our trying to do here
My mistake about the 400 interviewees—I misread that. However I was responding to this statement:
“The goal is for the community raise $2000 USD to pay for an entire episode dedicated to The SAFE Network.”
Which actually differs from this: “This post is a fundraising campaign to advertise on the Jason Stapleton Program”
—Is the 2K to be used “to pay for an entire episode” (which presumably includes production costs, etc.), as the first quote indicates? Or is it for spot advertising on the show, as the post’s header states?
—If the 2K isn’t reached, will @fergish still be featured on the episode?
—Friendly heads up that “insure maximum return on investment” should be “ensure,” as I’m assuming an ROI isn’t insured …
@dlux, I reworded a few things. Please reread my first post and let me know what you think
My goal is to be clear as possible.
—So the 2K will be used to cover production costs? Will spot advertising specific to MAID be included (though I’m assuming that would be redundant)?
—If the 2K isn’t reached, will @fergish still be featured on the episode?
I think this is potentially a good idea, just want to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s. Also great to hear you’re willing to cover outstanding production costs if necessary … that says a lot, imo.
2K will give us a full episode. @fergish will be on the show, regardless the outcome of the fundraising.
We have raised $408 so far only $92 to go until we can give a way our first $50 gift card
I will give away a $5 gift card when we break 3000 MSC
We have raised $493 so far only $7 to go until we can give a way our first $50 gift card
I would like to read the communities thoughts on waiting until Test Safecoin is released before we pull the trigger on this fund raising project?
If you wait till then then there will a new audience added to the list of potentially interested parties. Without the test coin the audience is more the forward thinkers, but with a tangible testcoin to “play” with the more conservative of the crypto world will be interested in whats said.
We just broke $500
The winner of the first $50 gift card give a way is…
Will the owner of address 1A1QUvWu8tuwFM9BtG1ne7oNhoRYSLdeJK please claim your prize?
Don’t know who this guy is. Never heard of him. 2k seems a bit steep for something and someone I know absolutely nothing about.
I’m going to hold off until I learn more.
I’d be interested to know why this is called a donation and not just advertising and also if we are sponsoring his show or how that works.
It’s kind liked when you sell baked goods at the office. If you have prices then there are legal issues, but t if you ask for donations then it’s all good
For more information check out this link.
2k is nothing compared to advertising on a popular nationally syndicated show. The standard for networks is 60 seconds. Rush Limbaugh is the most expensive, because of his reach and his lunch time position. You can pay 6k for a 60, going through the main network. Also your ad will be looked at very closely because at the national level there is a lot more litigation. The Jason Stapleton Program is a mid level pod cast with 20k+ daily viewers, that are sympathetic to are views on privacy, security, and freedom. So, I would say 2k for 60 min is a good deal.
I would highly encourage anyone’s thinking about donating to listen to a cooler episodes believe making a decision.