We are once again in awe of the community getting whole thing together.
It’s great to give people the option to utilise another protocol for their MaidSafeCoin holdings. Firstly because it should make their existing MaidSafeCoin more usable (more wallet options, yay!) and also in time different places for trading too.
Ultimately, eMAID and MAID represent the very same asset, MaidSafeCoin, which enables the holder the same access to Safe Network Tokens after the Network is launched as always, regardless of whether they hold their MaidSafeCoin in the Omni protocol (MAID) or ERC20 (eMAID).
It’s for this reason we’d like to make sure that any services that allow access to, or surface information about either MAID or eMAID make it clear that they represent the same asset, with the same entitlements.
This is really important, particularly as it allows consumers better awareness of when they are getting the real deal MaidSafeCoin, and when they might not be. We’ll do that by providing a consistent set of branding, descriptions, and other metadata—so keep an eye on this thread for coordination of all that.
And thanks again to you all for making this happen: what a great community led endeavour!