It helps people to understand Solid on SAFE and try it out for themselves. @JayBird put a lot into this and I think he writes really well.
Many thanks to @JayBird for signing up to test alpha2 and test out the instructions for trying out Solid Filemanager and taking the time to write this up as a dWeb Blog post. Superb work and a really nice readable post.
To view on alpha2 you need to get SAFE Browser and have signed up for the alpha2 test.
To view on SAFE Fleming shared vault you need to use the SAFE POC Browser. This won’t work properly yet because it does not yet display linked content but you will see something and can click on the links. Hopefully an update to the POC browser will fix this soon!
I don’t like Dweb it either. It feels like one of those ugly indecipherable terms beloved of techies but alienating to everyone else. Hopefully a better term will emerge in time. Perhaps it will be Safe…
Not to distract from your post though. Great stuff with solid on safe. Great minds working on that @JayBird and great of you @happybeing to help make it known.
Looks like a great way to handle files on SAFE. I want to try it out soon
I had taken the domain a few years ago for a project of mine. This was my second favorite domain (after ) Dweb was shortened from DimitarWeb… so I like it a lot
Just a thought about SOLID pods. Would a shared phase 1 vault be an ideal candidate for a SOLID pod, once browser support for new libs is in place?
It seems to me that not having to depend on a rest API stack would be rather good. All your data would be encrypted in transit and at rest by default too. When it comes to migrating to a new host, you would just move your vault.
Ok, vaults with routing would mean you don’t have to host your own dedicated vault, but it seems like a nice use case already.
Yes, that’s a nice option @Traktion. I hadn’t thought of that and security/privacy does often come up wrt Solid pods. I should suggest it once I get things going on the new APIs. Nice one!
Was so excited seeing this screenshot, looks great! Was a pleasure figuring it all out and getting it written up in any case @happybeing, please get in touch if I can help with anything else (and I haven’t forgotten the editing thing you wanted done, just been very busy with lots of new students in september, should settle down soon though and I’ll be on it)