What are some of the retrieving and reading economics behind maidsafe? If someone where to make a link public, like facebook.com; would the network charge money for the traffic driven to that link? What would it cost to pull and download data off of maidsafe?
Nothing, GET’s are free. So browsing is free. Only PUT’s cost Safecoin
from https://safenetwork.tech/
All data on the network is treated the same, and everyone has equal and free access. Net neutrality comes as standard.
…Browse and access anonymously
On the SAFE Network, you are free to browse and download completely anonymously, from anywhere in the world. No account necessary.
Reading is for free as few other things, but on SafeNetwork content must be on vaults.
So no https:// content can be read there only safe://
So if you will click on https:// link you will go to not SafeNetwork site!
Well… you might still be going to a http:// site that makes use of SAFE in the background and benefiting from the security. There are many use cases and some are storage for existing storage networks - SANs and the like. SAFE is a tool… like a hammer you can eat your dinner with it.
Well, that should just be as cheap hostage or not blocked service in some cases, but your traffic will go not secretly with left trace.
I just want point, that SafeNetwork is not mirroring content from Internet or anonymous way to access sites on network called Internet.
Yes but SAFE is for everyone … some will just want the saving from storage costs and the deduplication.
If all SAFE does is best the likes of Dropbox, it’ll be huge… but that’s tiny use case.
It’ll be a dropbox that will be more censorship resistent as well right?
The whole network is like a huge planet size datacenter.
Essentially every single person who logs in to the network can be a node that contributes with a bit of storage, without outrageous demands for overly powerful hardware, in fact any casual desktop computer will be more than enough. Even Raspberry Pis may do the work
When you decide to share your storage to the network, you get paid by its native cryptocurrency, and the network sends you little pieces of encrypted data to host (from other people who is uploading their content)
You can’t know whose chunk of encrypted data you are storing it for, you can’t even figure out what the whole file would look like as it is just a small fraction of it and it is encrypted, only the owner can make sense of it as he is the only one who knows where the rest of the file is stored and the only one who can put it together to decrypt them.
All this chopping into bits and saving in random computers around the world is done automagically behind the scenes, everytime you upload.
And the maintenance of such chunks online is done automatically as well, if you turn your computer off the network automatically finds the next appropriate node to host the chunk you were hosting.
Also, regarding to anonymity, after the first network hop, IP addresses are not used for routing packages within the network. Good luck tracing random IP-less communications.
In short, privacy and security is integral to its design, and hopefully without affecting performance.
But thinking of it just as a “storage” network would be a mistake. Storage is just one of its capabilities, it is a communication network as well. Almost every service that can be used on “the Internet” could be replicated -securely and anonymously by default- in the Safe Network, and with minimal or no cost. Email, chat, video streaming, blogging, dropbox, or any webapp you could imagine would be automatically secure and anonymous by default.
You could also control your data, instead of giving your data away when you sign up to someone else’s app, in the SafeNetwork you would own your personal information and decide to give permission or to revoke access to the app, your information would never leave your control. Imagine having that level of control with Facebook, just flicking a switch and having 100% certainty that Facebook can’t access anymore any personal info, likes, posts, comments or photos… because that data wasn’t saved in their servers, instead you gave them permission to access your data.
That is the awesome world that the Safe Network would enable.
It is not just “a dropbox with more censorship resistance”. It is way more than that.
It is a new Internet.