Discussion of a collaborative commons and data marketplace on SAFE

The connection between r.3.0 and this Genetic Algorithms on Safe topic is end user context to highlight the importance of this discussion/path for the vision you describe…

From SAFE that’s true decentralisation to the max, security from the ground up, censorship resistance, anonymity, a radically democratising economic model for developers and users, and commerce using a built in massively scalable, anonymous, energy efficient digital cash. There’s more, such as data in perpetuity, but I’m running out of breath!

I have believed for many years we are coming to an evolution convergence point. There are other (non IT) communities as passionate and committed as the safe community who are looking for/need each other. They are about users and commerce and like you they are looking for **a radically democratising algorithmic driven economic model/platform ** which I believe only the safenetwork and an safe algorithmic capability (as part of/which supports the safedrive/git/dweb package?) can ultimately deliver. I have introduced safe and the communitylink collaborative commons model previously and will reengage when we have something tangible as they can support safe distribution as scale.

I agree with your thought that any further discussion re this should be part of a new topic probably with the safe.commons title introduced in my reply to David to intro/progress the safe data marketplace /level playing field/automatic pricing/model discussion. In order to have something tangible the best time is probably after the set up of the DWeb commons blog & Dweb blog experience article. Working on this now. Jaybirds article provides a good article template

I note your comment
“I’m starting to mull ways to use generic algorithms 2 on a decentralised network. Thoughts?
A couple of intriguing threads:
executable genotype of immutable function() (in JSON, RDF?) = automata
parallelism via client with subpopulation (eg web app). Social/viral app?

This post is just to see if anyone else is interested in the area and have ideas or know of relevant work we can gather together.”

I wish I could help more on the tech but I will hopefully connect with you with an idea (client side app) which may help focus your tech threads … otherwise it can be a bit like … how long is a piece of string?:grinning: