DialNet (or Are You Listening?) [31/08/23 Testnet] [Offline]

That’s exactly what I was needing


A boot in the asterisk? :slight_smile:

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Vdash is showing no chunks stored @happybeing

Looking at the record store it should show at least two chunks being stored since I started it.

I’ll leave it going in case they got missed for some reason.

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Thx Maidsafe devs for all your hard work

Jippy another testnet, will try tomorrow asap

Happy testing everybody

Keep hacking super ants


It will only pick up what is in the current logfile so if it has been rotated before you start vdash, anything in the earlier logfile(s) will be missed from the PUTS count and timeline.

Also, note that you can zoom the timelines out by pressing ‘o’ and in by pressing ‘i’.

EDIT: if you started vdash before those missing PUTS happened maybe the logfile format has changed, it it may be a bug so let me know.


Yeah still nothing and I’ve had more chunks come in since - I think maybe the logfile format changed.

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OK, I did it! It’s working, it’s working, a node from home! :raised_hands:


Quick reminder for the port forwarding (NAT) : need tcp protocol !
Works like a charm !


in client news, 41MB took 48 mins at a cost of 512/chunk

details below if anyone wants to verify the download

real 48m30.567s
user 1m9.571s
sys 0m33.070s


OK please post exactly what your command was and what port(s) you set on your router. I have not had a node from home or AWS in several weeks now.


Sure, I copy-pasted excatly this from @Josh, on my Ubuntu terminal:

I had pre-configured my router to forward port 12000 via UDP and TCP.


no luck here…

[2023-08-31T18:39:39.955217Z DEBUG sn_networking::event] AutoNAT outbound probe: Error { probe_id: ProbeId(0), peer: Some(PeerId("12D3KooWGUyLdqSaTvb5vUXHu1cpkj6CWTF92ss6pb3LB81MpDLi")), error: Response(DialError) }
[2023-08-31T18:39:39.955242Z INFO sn_networking::event] AutoNAT status changed: Unknown -> Private
[2023-08-31T18:39:39.955258Z TRACE sn_node::api] Handling NetworkEvent: Some(NetworkEvent::NatStatusChanged(Private))
[2023-08-31T18:39:39.955267Z TRACE sn_node::api] NetworkEvent loop started
[2023-08-31T18:39:39.955271Z WARN sn_node::api] NAT status is determined to be private!
[2023-08-31T18:39:39.955323Z INFO safenode] Node is stopping in 1s...


Hmh, too bad. This is how my working router looks like. It’s of course the third row I’m using for this, despite how the first one is named:

Could it be, that on you router you can use one port only for UDP or TCP?


changed it thusly


never made a blind bit of difference…

I am selling all my MAID and going to the pub…

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Okay, so doing my standard test of uploading and downloading 11 pdf files.

This time seemed better or error messaging was better. I was able to fully download 9 of the 11 files. The two that failed gave this error:

Did not get file “my file name here” from the network! Chunks error Not all chunks were retrieved, expected 36 (it retrieved 30 in this case).

Will try again tomorrow … sleep beckons.


DialNet looks to be very successful at what it set out to do, leave no node hanging!
I have 15 nodes running and all played ball from the get-go.

I know that the memory issue is on the side burner but I have noticed the number of file descriptors and memory use rise together.
The scatter plot below shows my 15 nodes and memory vs file descriptors.
This is also confirmed with a positive correlation coefficient of 0.7693


Once you sober up, might be worth checking with your ISP if they activated a firewall at their end “by mistake”, maybe after an upgrade or something. I had that problem before not being able to access my home server, and wasted way too much time before realising that was the culprit…


Are you sure that your router have public IP address?
If both PC and router are behind NAT, then port forwarding makes no sense.


I think the large amount of file descriptors is related to the use of TCP, open ports count as file descriptors, and each connection has one port on the go (this is where quic should eventually shine, as I believe it should give us one port per node).

And each connection carries with it some memory weight, so your chart does make sense.


here are some files to play with :
Successfully stored ‘video3.mp4’ to 03c1ac868e3479f484878e4cffef21af2ec3bc4f622fb70451044111644cf243
Successfully stored ‘video12.mp4’ to 065e59498c23c4c6ab2d3cd84e43b019be925ed6d3dccf225c6e9ae9a5be607e
Successfully stored ‘video11.mp4’ to 0e10cdd822a6756004b632770a148d02a5143cc7a51dae687750ca2d3c11175c
Successfully stored ‘video16.mp4’ to 1547b39b52b4e81d73456ee6ea9fa7f6980960487a2c407607f3c3ed0cb84b7a
Successfully stored ‘video20.mp4’ to 2a3fc74cd85bbe9f92d62acf67f2d5d60dd946238aac49d9d5fda2eadc594625

100% SFW (and no binaries…)