“now realise”? That’s a major misunderstanding some people appear to have about roadmaps: being wrong on a roadmap is not a problem. Not exchanging a flawed roadmap is a problem. That’s what happened and that’s also why it has never been the same question.
You cannot run a project without a decent roadmap and I am pretty sure that Maidsafe has one, at least I tend to believe that, otherwise I would sell off immediately. I also believe that people got scared about calling dates because “only now” some people “realise” that fetching a roadmap doesn’t predict the future but outlines what developers at a certain moment EXPECT to be feasible. And expectations change over the process. Sometimes they get shorter, sometimes longer. This way people can evaluate in hindsight how idealistic/realistic the estimates were.
The fact that even now some people confuse “plan” and “expectation” with “solution” really shows where the pressure comes from. Of course, if internally people get the feeling that there is no clear roadmap, they get stressed as well, but again I don’t believe that this is the case.
I think @nicklambert has already stated that a new public roadmap is needed and that they are going to release one. I think it’s not only helpful, but strongly needed.
To be fair, it’s not the developers. I have never seen a harsh reaction.also, most moderators discussed neutrally. In my opinion the defensiveness comes from a part of the community, which is sceptical by itself and therefore believes that this sort of discussion is threatening the whole project. The mere belief that could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy displays graphically how uncertain some people are. Lowering expectations seems a good plan to me.
I’m all for chit chatting and bullsh!t (a figure of speech). On topic or not. I agree that conversations should be left to flow freely, but it does also have a negative impact for the researcher and the brevity of the discussion. I really do wish there was a smoother way to go about all of this without allowing for a 1:4 ratio of on and off topic posts respectively. I’ve proposed the PM sideline with a summarized data introduction into the thread. Basically, a parallel conversation with condensed migration of information back to the main thread. It’s just a crude idea. I’d very happy to read other seemingly practical solutions. I now retreat to my bunker in expectation of a bombardment.…!!!!!!
I am sure that it is always a bit subjective what is on-topic and what is off-topic, but in my opinion the topics “road map” and “communication about progress and time lines” are pretty close to the topic “maidsafe update”
Wow!!! Such indignation.
I apologise deeply and humbly for even daring to think differently from you and not realising that you and you alone have the One True Path to development and progress,
Don’t gies yer bumptious pish, pal.
I am 100% certain there is an internal roadmap. AND that it is realistic.
Also, I am 100% certain you don’t really want a discussion, you just want to display your indignation. Do it without me, pal.
When I see evidence of you having done something positive to advance the project, then and ONLY then will I pay any attention to your indignant squealing.
Bye now.
Lol…a lot more topical than either PM or Off-Topic category and even more topical than where it eventually went… It belonged where it was I think. Certainly no good case to move it anywhere else as far as I can see.
Definitely nothing to suggest the given reason of being uninteresting to Community was immediately contradicted by a community member anyway.
I’m not being funny, but really…a debate about whether Maidsafe should update about timescales, seems quite relevant to the Maidsafe update thread to me…lol
I agree it’s related to updates from Maidsafe but not this particular development update from the 15th of December, that’s probably why it has been given it’s own topic. But this is now off-topic so let’s get back to discussing timescales.
I’ve now read this whole discussion and I think this post by Al-Kafir is the probably most important and useful post in the whole lot. You are absolutely right! This project needs to be brilliantly constructed, but it also needs the fuel of community support and enthusiasm if it is to succeed. Centralised authority and a sense of cliquishness caused by separation of devs and fanboyz could well be a far greater harm than price fluctuations and disappointment/disagreement caused by trader speculation in these discussions.
We need to all be excited and a team… emotions mean sometimes we are unhappy or argue, but that’s far better than dampening the flames of passion with silence and separation, or a patriarchal finger-wagging.
Love you guys and your work… don’t be strangers and don’t be scared of our disappointments, just promise to work hard to get us there i the end when things go wrong.
You know, having a clear stance is not the same as believing to be on the “one and only true path”. I don´t mind being convinced by a better argument, but I won´t force you into a discussion you obviously don´t want to have. Also, since you are “100% certain” about something you can technically not be 100% certain about there is not much we could discuss anyway.