I am organizing a panel about decentralized networks designs, like SIA, Storj, etc.
The panel will happen online. First a representative per every decentralized network “model” should characterize it and explain the strong points, in a 40 minute video. Once all the video are collected, the panel will take place: during 1-2 hours, the representatives will respond to Q&A made by a moderator and remote audience.
A more detailed proposal will follow as the project get more mature.
Thanks for your time and expectations.
Matteo Mazzanti
Quantum-Thinkers . org co-founder
MindLAB Space ambassador
IT Consultant @ purplescout.se
Thursday, Jan 16, 17.30
Internet of Brain seminar
@ Foo Café
Internet of Brain (IoB) is here: a global set of protocols and agreements will connect our brains to digital services online as well as to other brains, triggering the next communication revolution.
Like it happened for Internet, the project has been prototyped by the army, some universities has been involved as well as some tech giants corporations. Also, a public proposal is underway.
We will take a look at these projects from a architectural-design point of view and learn how do they work. We will take a look at the public proposal and talk about how to contribute and build together the best user-centered, privacy-aware, Internet of Brain.