Decentralized Apps

In the future maybe you can “sell” some computation. But so far it’s a combination of being a node in the network, cache files that come around, calculate the way all the others in yours group see the network etc. Your Vault can have different persona’s, so you check for a group if they really store the Chunks they need to. That sort of things.

There’s not many known about this. But I’m told there is a way for everyone to register a name in the network. That’s public information (I believe) so when you look up Ajedi32, it points to a public key/address in which way people can find you (when you registered your name).

I wrote a piece once about different encryption layers. Maybe that clear some thing up a bit. But we don’t know all at this time. I really would like to know more as well about the name registration. Although I do know that it’s not in a blockchain :smile: