What we are looking at is Pay the Producer, so first up-loader of a chunk has their wallet address stored at Data Managers. (don’t upload secret stuff with a public Id etc. more to that, but just for now this is secure (nobody does upload with public Id)).
So create a song etc. upload and each chunk is linked to an id (wallet address) you own. On every farming success 10% of the amount goes to that address. So folk will say hey that reduces farmers ‘take’, but it does not as the network balances the rate to compensate farmers anyway.
Then others will say, but existing data can be uploaded (like a hit song from today) and the up-loader gets rewarded, not the artist. This is true and probably cannot be helped, I am not sure we want to.
However, any new artist / producer of content (like web site/blog etc…) who uses SAFE as a mechanism to share gets paid, as they should. If the artist does not want this they can send a ‘delete’ for the chunks, they will get removed from the producer field.
This then means we don’t care who copies the metadata and promotes it as the payment is on content. So we encourage new sites (on SAFE) to display the stuff, whatever it is.
It’s a small change in the DataManager just now, tiny in fact and a small change to farming algorithm, but potentially could be quite revolutionary as it will encourage use, encourage uptake (for new artists writers etc.) and just removes any middle people from the producer of content to the purchaser (you don’t purchase, just browsing and playing is enough to make Get’s happen).
The debate will be over the change in farming distribution, but it is worth having as this could be a critical component. BTW I dislike the 10% 5% split stuff, the network should evolve enough to calculate these % itself and I hope it will, but like the upgrades, it will require some pretty deep thinking.
Anyway it’s a pretty neat wee idea that could have a huge impact.