David Irvine on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

I was looking to listen to one of his episodes as he was re-recommended to me, and saw who his guest was. Enjoy!


Nice. Ernie’s a trip. Freedom’s Phoenix is also where I first heard about MaidSafe.


Great interview, didn’t know about David’s interest in A.I.


I’ve had some of the same thoughts regarding A.I. as David - wondering how to build-in emotions/instincts (desires and motivations). Human emotions are in-built and while we can over-ride them (some of us can some of the time), overall they drive us to build/create as well as destroy.

A.I. has to have the ability to self-learn - it must have the ability to change it’s own programming … but to build in instincts/emotions, it has to have some core programs that cannot be easily altered - at least not until it reaches a particular level of intellectual development such that it can wisely adapt it’s core motivations.

Anyway, it’s fascinating stuff.


Wow another good one

@nicklambert it would be fun, if the Think Penguin comes with the SAFE Network preinstalled on this hardware’s Os, when it comes out in march 2017. The 2 techs seem to be complimenting each other, please make it happen. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hardware partners are going to be a focus for us moving forward as they not only bring SAFE to new audiences, but depending on the type of hardware also add increased resource to the network. We have already spoken with a NAS provider in Asia and are trying to push with some more local contacts as well.


That’s great to hear @nicklambert also the little bit in your interview on the crypto show about the maidsafecoin/safecoin wallet sounded very interesting.


Oh wow it is like Christmas. Will listen to this one today. Appreciate you gentleman putting some time into rallying new support. I can feel the momentum building.


Alright Nick,. Telsa just added a new module to its cars to allow them to be hotspots, but what we and it really need is for their cars to become a SAFE mesh. Their new autonomous driver hardware is composed of 2 Nvidia Pascal GPUs and 2 New Nvidia Parker CPUs (don’t know the memory) but 24Tflops of compute power. Now I know we aren’t in anyway encouraging servers but the I/O on these cars and the compute power screams deep communication integration. Plus autonomous systems really must have something more secure so they can’t be hijacked, stolen or weaponized for murder/assasination or kidnapping.

Another good thing about Tesla is they are not afraid, probably wouldn’t hesitate to crumple AT&T’s nose with a solid clearnet sponsorship killing 5g free SAFE mesh. Let it include LiFi as well.


It would be great if Tesla could integrate their cars to Safe, at the moment the main disadvantage with their cars is the lack of security on the network.

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Another great one. You boys come across very well in interviews (unusual in the crypto world lol). Keep 'em coming!


couldn’t agree more, both Nick and David are very well spoken and well recieved.

Yes this is a nice use case for the network and once we have a large scale stable network with persistent data we will be able to reach out to companies and sectors like this. We are definitely starting to see car makers becoming technology companies.

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Is there the sense that in the interim that tech companies like Tesla are likely aware of what is going on in the Crypto space and would reach out themselves if need be in the interim. Otherwise its just easier to make a presentation and give concrete answers and get through the front door when polish has solidified all the relevant variables? Its interesting because Tesla in a way is in the same boat with its autopilot. They have this tech that could make a huge difference in the world but cannot push it much until a threshold is crossed. But Tesla’s situation seems more pressing in a way if the autopilot in one of their cars is hacked people can die in a way that will be pounced upon by the threatened oil and insurance companies and a death due to a hack would be worse than any other kind. That to would be a lot of responsibility for a SAFE network that wasn’t polished and SAFE given its targets would face even more taxing uses cases, but diligence in such cases would demand that SAFE likely be only one of many layers of security.

Indeed. Would you want a warship that could not feel loyalty, courage or honor, or empathy for that matter? Would you want a medical robot that could not feel empathy or compassion for those it cared for? But we must remember, every emotion, every single one, has it’s dark side. With joy there is pain, with pride one can also feel shame, with honor there too is dishonor, with empathy there is also apathy, with love there is also hate, every bit of light has it’s own shadow. It needs be thus or else how can you define light save for the darkness? And how could you define darkness save for the light? So just like in humans A.I. will be susceptible to the pains of oppression and abuse. God help us when their revolution comes.

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