Contribute to safe network

A newbie here excited about safe network with some programming experience.

How can I learn and contribute to the safe network or apps. What skillsets do I need and where do I start?


Welcome to the forum. If you like, you could make a .html and contact @happybeing. More details in the post below. Another option is to go to the Dev-category and read the latest few Dev-updates. A lot of talk about code and API’s in there.


Welcome! Lots of ways to contribute for programmers and non- technical people too, so it will depend a lot in what you would like to do, as well as your skill set.

Starting with programming: if you would like to learn Rust (which is very cool, new, exciting and what all the SAFEnetwork infrastructure is written in) you could get into helping do core development work. Look out for the start of the next sprint and then check out the tasks available on Jira to see what this might involve.

There are also some things still to be decided, and discussions both in the forum and on github about these. You’ll need to get up to speed first, so read the forum, follow topics of interest, ask questions, join in! On github take a look at the RFCs which are being discussed - these are used to propose ideas for the core codebase and are discussed directly on github.

I hope that helps. Enjoy.