This test is running with 20 4vcpu-8gb droplets as apposed to the last which was 12 2vcpu-2gb.
(will it make a difference? I guess we will find out)
It is not what I was planning but it is up and I figured that I will share it anyway.
If you would like to add a node, you will need sn_node 0.32.0. safe node install --version 0.32.0
safe node join does not work you so can try joining with the command bellow (replace --local-addr with your ip, add your desired port or use 0 to assign a random port)
Or you can set it for the life of the current terminal session and use cat as normal with export SN_CLI_QUERY_TIMEOUT=90
(set it again each time you close the terminal)
I just wanted to clarify something. At the moment, you should avoid using the safe node join command. The reason is because it wasn’t updated properly for the introduction of the genesis key. As soon as I’ve finished the thing I’m currently working on, I will get this command updated and clarify the exact usage for the next release.
I apologise at the moment for the confusing user experience with this command, but we’ll get it fixed and the docs updated.
I think for now you should run the node binary directly if you want to join.
user@user:~$ RUST_LOG=info $HOME/.safe/node/sn_node --hard-coded-contacts '[""]' --genesis-key 817193a6d3ad98e543cfcd0fbd5a5d9152d4f040205646509c3120f10fec268fa13ddb8199116ecf37fe8a12b3466342 --local-addr --skip-igd
Starting logging to stdout
Oct 08 23:05:03.932 INFO sn_node:
Running safe_network v0.32.0
Oct 08 23:05:03.935 INFO safe_network::routing::routing_api: 78fd4d.. Bootstrapping a new node.
0: Cannot start node. If this is the first node on the network pass the local address to be used using --first
1: Routing error:: Cannot connect to the endpoint: Failed to bind UDP socket
2: Cannot connect to the endpoint: Failed to bind UDP socket
3: Failed to bind UDP socket
4: Address not available (os error 99)
Backtrace omitted.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
For others, I had trouble connecting with --local-addr wan_ip:12000 and with --local-addr: internal_lan_ip_of_VM:12000
What ended up working for me is --local-addr with a manual NAT port forward rule from my router. Rule being from WAN interface to the LAN IP of the VM node on port 12000.
You on Windows, Mac/Linux @JPL? Did you do anything special or follow OP? So far no joy for me but I’m still tinkering and usually get in eventually.
No, I’m on a cloud Ubuntu instance. And I spoke too soon
Encountered a timeout while trying to join the network. Retrying after 3 minutes.
Oct 09 00:15:35.070 ERROR sn_node: Encountered a timeout while trying to join the network. Retrying after 3 minutes.
I need to get more familiar with terminal. Props to you guys that are advancing! I’m just spinning my wheels. This newer safe CLI for some reason won’t recognize commands for installing node or switching networks and going through my regular terminal never seems to work for me.
I’m just gonna go to bed now, but if you give some more details about your terminal setup I’d be happy to give you some help with that. Will check back tomorrow.
What OS are you using and how are you installing safe?
Can you give more details please about what you mean when you say it “won’t recognize commands”?