Hi All, I am in the early stages where I want to experiment with the webid peruse browser and verifiable credentials but the link [ https://invite.maidsafe.net/ ] isn’t working.
When I click on the “CLAIM AN INVATATION” link it opens up in firefox with:
Yesterday I updated the DNS for the maidsafe.net domain to be managed by Netlify, as I had done the day before with safenetwork.tech to improve performance significantly. These changes can take 24hrs to go through, so it must be related. The DNS settings appear to be as expected so I’ve just had to switch it back to go through previous DNS after these reports - problem is though that again this can potentially take up to 24hrs to fully change back.
I can still access https://invite.maidsafe.net/, it’s been fine for me even before I made the change. I’ve confirmed with 2 people who were unable to access it while it was using Netlify DNS that since the switch back it is now working again for them so hopefully you guys can access again now, or shortly.
Ah, if only we had a better way to resolve names, without having to rely on the ancient DNS system.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a DNS client which talked to SAFENetwork and used NRS instead? No more propagation delays, no more censorship of names, no more fiddly DNS settings to configure, no more on going fees. Surely this is a solution waiting to be written?
I think that’s actually a pretty accurate description of the screening process currently in place to avoid spamming. It’s definitely not user friendly, and that “Code error: Unexpected…” just looks weird. I’ve been testing the network a bit here and a bit there for years, but I still get momentarily confused when I have to update my IP address. I think the hoop jumping involved when new people just want to quickly see what the alpha network and the alpha browser look like might be the main reason the project is not getting the attention it deserves.
That may be true, relatively speaking. I never tried anything mobile as I like a real keyboard and a good screen. But for somebody who just happened upon the https://safenetwork.tech/ site on his regular computer and wants to take a quick look at what SAFE is, the process is definitely not “child’s play”.
Maybe this issue deserves its own thread in the marketing topic. Something like “How do we make taking a quick look at early SAFE easier?”
Also, that link to working sites you posted above is the Bulgarian version.
I can’t use the mobile versions as I want to try and setup for development where I want to start playing around with the W3C WebID/Decentralised ID and verifiable claims/credentials concepts.
I’m not sure if I should try the development forum category
The output I get from the terminal when running the safe browser is:
$ ./safe-browser
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.358588 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.358792 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.358922 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359023 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359149 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359247 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359353 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359475 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359575 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359682 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359820 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359908 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.359997 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.360095 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.360302 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.360603 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.360728 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.361923 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.362134 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.362358 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.362475 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.362562 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.362709 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.363554 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.364545 Failed to Bootstrap with (ClientNotWhitelisted) Our Client is not whitelisted
E 19-09-18 08:29:42.364597 Bootstrapper has no active children left - bootstrap has failed
I 19-09-18 08:29:42.364649 Bootstrapping(3ffe5f…) Failed to bootstrap. Terminating.
@joshuef Also from the authenticator logfile I get:
E 19-09-18 08:12:30.987292 [crust::main::bootstrap mod.rs:228] Bootstrapper has no active children left - bootstrap has failed
I 19-09-18 08:12:30.987505 [routing::states::bootstrapping bootstrapping.rs:287] Bootstrapping(f536b6…) Failed to bootstrap. Terminating.
D 19-09-18 08:12:30.987556 [routing::state_machine state_machine.rs:418] State::Bootstrapping(f536b6…) Terminating state machine
D 19-09-18 08:12:30.990548 [ :44] ERRNO: -2000 CoreError(Unexpected error - CoreError::Unexpected::{“Could not connect to the SAFE Network”})
Hey there @mornep. I can help you out here.
The issue you’re facing is because your IP address is not whitelisted. The whitelisting of your IP address is just temporary for spam prevention.
Usually you can whitelist your IP by authenticating invite.maidsafe.net via the forum. But since you’ve received your invite token from a friend can you please go to this URL: https://invite.maidsafe.net/update_ip.html?invite=<insert your invite token here>
You will then see a page with an “Update registered IP” option.
Once that is done you should be able to complete your account creation process.
Tagging @GeekOverdose in case this would seem helpful for him as well.