Can someone fix this info graphic for me pleeeeeeease

Im no designer but I need an info graphic done for a new article I am writing.

Im using a free version of Canva for now and I have all of the detail I want in it (I think) but im just not willing to pay them for a couple of images just to finish it off properly or to get their pro account when i’ll likely NEVER use it again.

Here it is so far if someone can remove the water marks from the images or replace them with similar ones and maybe just add a little more bling and designer touch to it i’d be forever grateful and will add attribution to you in the article.


Why not just click on them, delete them, and copy your own from Google Images? It shouldn’t be hard, Canva is great

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really you can do that? Ill give it a go.

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No it’s using Canva, it’s a web app. Really nice

I’ll see what I can do. I’ll do my best and I’ll play with some of the images. Like or don’t like you won’t insult me. Sometimes you just need an artist for the people. So I’ll be an artist for you today

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I’ll see what I can do. I’ll do my best and I’ll play with some of the images. Like or don’t like you won’t insult me. Sometimes you just need an artist for the people. So I’ll be an artist for you today

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Hi all

Sorry been busy.

I ended up going the paid route with canva.

Thank you.

Here it is, anyone can feel free to use it

Also been posted here


Current is misspelled on the continued slide, 2nd paragraph down on the right.


Yeah thanks I was up till like 2am finishing everything it’s the only time I can do it with little ones running around causing a ruckus during the day


I like it. it is informative, simple, pertinent.


Really nice work!

While you’re ironing out typos here are a few more amends to consider (just cos I’m a pedant…)

Bitcoin and Crypto-Currency
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency


Farms uses
Farming uses

Scaling is built into the Network
Scaling is built into the network

Bitcoin and other currenc
Bitcoin and other current (as spotted already)

Bitcoin is criticized
Bitcoin is criticised (because you used UK/AUS spelling elsewhere)

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Actually network is referring to an object so then it is capitialised.

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In which case it should be capitalised throughout

Depends if it is referencing “a” network type or “the” Network

E.g. If you connect to the Network you get the benefits of a secure network.

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Sure - using Network is fine. But elsewhere in the graphic it uses ‘network’. In the bit I’m referring to it says:

Scaling is built into the Network. The network only notes the previous and current owner

So you have capitalised and lower-case in the same paragraph both referring to SAFE. Either is fine, but you just need to choose one and use it consistently. If you’re going to use Network (referring to SAFE) then use it throughout.


Personally I prefer using stand alone apps when doing graphic design and image manipulation. So for something like this maybe I’d work in gimp or LibreOffice (I’m all for open source :slight_smile:)

Liked your reddit post. Looks like there is some flare trouble + 1 sia troll

I don’t think I’m going to be able to amend without paying again which sucks cos I only got the 24hr package.

It’s OK I think annoying and not as professional as I’d like but it is what it is.

Once we get the marketing community action group going this will hopefully no longer be a problem.


What plans does canva offer, I’ll pay for it and we can all share a MaidSafe marketing account


This would be very cool!