I have initiated the transfer of my funds from Bittrex to my Trezor. Although Bittrex indicates that the transaction is complete, and I can confirm the Bitcoin transaction on the block explorer, omniwallet.org is unable to locate any assets linked to the address. Is anyone encountering a similar issue?
I had this problem when first using OmniTrezor
Have you selected the correct wallet on the Trezor?
If you can post some screenshots - with any sensitive info blanked - it may help.
Here is the withdraw transaction:
It seems no MAID arrived:
Here is the withdraw screenshot:
Am I missing something?
did you transfer to an address that began with bc ?
if you didn’t make the correct wallet in Trezor suite with an address that begins with a 1 or a 3 then I think your coins are lost. @Dimitar do you have any thoughts ?
Yes, I guess this is native segwit and now I guess it does not work?
I lost some maid that way when I first got a Trezor and never figured out how to get them back.
this might be of use as well Recovering funds from a Segwit Address · OmniLayer/omniwallet Wiki · GitHub
You would think exchanges would build in checks for a valid destination address in the withdraw process. An edge case they should be made aware of.
If it shows that they’re stuck on that address & it can be proven they can’t be moved later, hopefully MaidSafe will have a way of letting you redeem them at launch.
Not sure if that’s possible / likely?
Excellent that in combination with BIP39 may just work.