Okay I have a couple of these and they’re kind of random so forgive the disorganization. I’ve been reading and rereading over the API documentation trying to make sense of it but am struggling to make logical sense of it so could really use some help.
- Why are they in different languages? Shouldn’t the devs just pic a standard language or languages to create the examples in so that it’s easier to compare and contrast? Some code examples are in json, some are in node.js, some seem even to be in something else entirely but the point is shouldn’t they be in the same language, preferably both?
- There seems to be 2 of everything, or multiple copies of everything, which just makes things even more confusing. There’s a POST and a GET for /auth without adaquate documentation on the difference thereof. I thought /auth was designed to give you an authorization token or something? I’m still a bit fuzzy on how that works but the point is if it’s function is to give you an authorization token why does it need a GET and POST function? But it’s not just that. It’s that a lot of the commands are similar, or have minor differences like that. I feel like I need like a flow chart or something to understand this API it’s so complicated.
- How exactly would the program flow work if one wanted to create a simple program to work with SAFE? So say a Hello World program that prompts the user to upload a picture that is then stored on their SAFE drive and displayed by the program. Simple but how would it work?