Another reaction emoji please…

I’d really like it if we could add another reaction emoji. This one: :dart:

I find myself wanting to react to a comment to acknowledge it’s accuracy or that the post has exactly made the point I had not been able to articulate. They’re hit the bullseye.

I might not like it, or support it, or applaud it, or want to celebrate its conclusions, so giving it a :heart::+1::clap: or a :confetti_ball: seem inappropriate.

So how about a :dart:?

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What are the chances @admins ?

Ready :dart:

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Thank you!

Sorry for the delay, I just saw the thread…

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I’ve only just seen this and lots of other Meta topics - as they don’t appear under the topics I read. I think they used to, not sure… @dimitar?

I’ve been wondering what that emoji meant, and I can’t find it to include it in this post. I tried :rosette: but it’s not that, even though it looks like one. Ah, I worked out it’s :dart: when really you want bullseye @JimCollinson! I wonder how many get this. :man_shrugging:

I doubt many people know what it means or how to find out.

I just saw the footnote [1] post too, and haven’t seen it used anywhere on the forum. So I think stuff posted here is not getting seen. Any way to fix that?

  1. about how to add footnotes such as this. Although they don’t look like footnotes and might be more appropriately called comments. [2] ↩︎

  2. I’m guessing you can’t nest them. Let’s see… :crazy_face: ↩︎

I don’t understand what’s bothering you, just press and hold the reaction button and choose:

The meta category is hidden from notifications by default, but you can choose to be notified personally:

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I think @TylerAbeoJordan (or someone) said it didn’t work for him on the browser that he uses recently. Perhaps @happybeing has the same issue?

@Dimitar I was talking about including in the post, not as a reaction. Hence showing it as :dart: when I figured it out.

Thanks for the tip about notification. Will give it a try

Yeah :bullseye: is what is intended. Shows when you search dart also.

Ah, sorry, I didn’t understand you, because the thread is about adding this emoji as a reaction.

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The problem was that to me it looks like a rosette so I couldn’t find it.

Maybe @Dimitar can change it to :bullseye:?

Doesn’t like like a bullseye to me but :man_shrugging:

There is no such icon available in the list, but if you give me the picture you mean I can add it :dragon:

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