Anonymity vs Validated Identity on the SAFE Network

Someone can already grab the name and squat on BarackObama lol; You can rename yourself; and also children can be named whatever in the current system of identities, so your parents could have also name you barackobama and you could also squat on it forever.

I know that there is unique names; and in the current naming system in nations allows for two people to have the same name and be considered obviously two different people since different attributes;

An interesting study would go into what attributes of interenet people are obvious and will allow tracing of a person for example.
A barackobama the president is obviously differentiated from barackobama the auto salesman;
Public key is practically like a self issued disposable social security number.
Loss on SSN is due to the fact that SSNs are not cryptographic key pair items;
In fact SSN system is intensely primitive.
So is it possible to simulate such unique characteristics of a person’s ID on SAFE?
And if so, how? that is a possible answer to assume.