[Announcement] We just added MaidSafeCoin (MAID) to CryptFlix! Looking forward to your feedback

We added MAID to CryptFlix! We hope it will help you to grow your community and attract new crypto enthusiastics.



I dont think this is worded appropriately:

In Few Words: Safe data storage
Blockchain based storage solutions that store a data identifier

At a glance it seems as SAFEnet is another blockchain…imo

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Hey together - I thought the description at Cryptflix didn’t cover the scope of this project and thought since @CryptFlix asked for feedback it would be awesome to give him a short but still accurate summary of the project

(maybe you already have some super short abstract that explains everything perfect? @nicklambert @dugcampbell @SarahPentland @neo @JPL @whiteoutmashups …? to me it’s always a little bit hard to describe it with only a few sentences …)

just a citation to see it here ;-)

MaidSafeCoin (MAID)
In Few Words: Safe data storage
Blockchain based storage solutions that store a data identifier (e.g. hash) in a blockchain, but store the data ‘somewhere else’ do not improve the security of our data. The SAFE Network removes people from the management of our information to protect the world’s data.

Official Website
MaidSafeCoin (MAID) – Calculator


It’s OK but to me it’s back to front. How about:

The SAFE Network is the world’s first fully autonous data network, removing people from the management of information to protect everyone’s data. With no blockchain and no proof-of-work, SAFE is a globally scalable solution to the worlds data security and privacy problems.


MaidSafeCoin (MAID)

In Few Words: A Decentralized Application Plattform - Batteries included
In Contrast to Blockchain based technology the data is stored directly on the SAFE Network and protected by it (not only an identifier as it would be with a blockchain based solution). The SAFE Network removes people from the management of our information to protect the world’s data and ensures unstoppable applications. With no blockchain and no proof-of-work, SAFE is a globally scalable solution to the worlds data security and privacy problems. [shamelessly stole @JPL s last sentence]

ps: or maybe
In Few Words: The worlds first autonomous data and application network
The SAFE Network sets storage costs based on a fair algorithm and takes care of the user data it manages by itself. The Network removes people from the management of our information to protect the world’s data and ensures SAFE applications can run no matter what happens after they are released. With no blockchain and no proof-of-work, SAFE is a globally scalable solution to the worlds data security and privacy problems.

Nice site. Looking for an ‘about us’ but can’t find anything. How long have you been going? Can you also host this video? New Video: The Internet Shouldn't be Blockchain-Based

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