OK, so I have this data cache that is kinda sensitive.
It was given to me by an elementary school classmate who joined the military, something with special ops and much hush-hush. We haven’t seen one another in decades. He kinda bumped into me accidentally on the street about a week ago. I think it was accidentally, but now I’m starting to wonder. He was all stressed out and asked if we could talk in private, to which I said sure. At a nearby café he began telling me an incredible story involving a high-ranking national politician (actually he’s been mentioned as a leading candidate for the position as head of a leading international governance organization…) and blackmail against this politician based on some highly incriminating video clips showing him a) taking part in an orgy together with other elite members of society and children between the ages of 8 to 10, and even worse, b) participating in some kind of occult ritual where two toddlers were actually murdered in the most sadistic manner.
I couldn’t believe what I was being told, but he pulled out a laptop, and from a memory stick he played for me two short clips (of a total of 5 or 6), high quality video apparently showing exactly what he had been telling me about. I was completely shocked, and although I’m certainly no expert on authenticating video footage, it certainly did look untampered with to me. There are, however some corroborating facts that lead me to strongly believe that this thing is indeed WYSIWYG.
My former classmate told me that he has been part of a team of special operatives who was tasked with making sure this data cache (all clips comprised together a little under 100MB) was distributed into the public domain in an irreversible way, so that no matter what steps were taken and no matter how much money and political or military (or otherwise) resources would be funneled into containing and burying this material, such efforts would go unsuccessful.
This team, they were eight all-in-all, were highly specialized in this kind of information warfare, so to speak, having performed to full satisfaction on previous occasions a number of similar operations leading to the clamorous downfall of their “target”. They had even dealt with similar material before as well, but on all of those occasions, merely hinting at their possession of the incriminating material had led to the politican, business or civic leader in question withdrawing from their pursued career target, and the material could be returned back into the hands which had delivered it originally.
Now, here’s the sucker punch: The commanding officer of my friend’s team, died in a freak fire one week before the meeting between me and my former schoolmate. This meant that the team were stuck with their memory stick copies with no way of knowing how to roll back the operation in progress. Then every day of the following week one member of the team had been killed in accidents or had disappeared. This had happened while they were all frantically attempting to post the data cache on all sorts of media sharing platforms, even uploading to Wikileaks and a number of torrent sites. Within hours of each upload the material had been removed, and there were even some indications that innocent parties that had come into contact with the video clips had become victims of the ongoing assassination campaign.
I know I should never have done it, but I agreed to keep a copy of my friend’s memory stick while he went into hiding while attempting to get the explosive data off his hands in a way which would make it pointless for his hunters to continue their attempts at taking him down. Since I was of course not going to know his whereabouts we agreed that he would send me an email once a day from one-time email accounts containing a phrase by which I would recognize it was from him. I received these emails for five days, but the last couple of days I have not received any.
Now my hypothetical question is this:
What platform would be best equipped to receive this theoretical data upload so that it would remain accessible to everybody? AKASHA or SAFENet? (Make some allowance for these platforms being somewhat further along in their development than as of today)