About the web server

Ive been reading about the safe network having its own web server. Of course its still in develpment, but my question is… How can I use php, or java or whatever inside the SAFE Network?

So if it will be possible to have an interpreter running in the SAFE server, could I have more software running in the backend. Lets say and MTA or a MYSQL?


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Welcome to the Forum, you are in for a ride!!!
I would recommend listening to Mr. Ferguson “the simpleton of Safe” Podcast.
he does an amazing job explaining how the Network will work.
Start with class one or earlier podcast


Thanks for the mention of the podcast. Here’s the link to the SAFE School series:


Did you read the Launcher as a local server RFC?

The purpose of the local HTTP server is to allow app developers to easily make API requests to the Launcher.

For example, here is the NFS API. There is also the DNS API and the Authorisation API.

You can use any language or framework you want to build apps, you just need a way to make HTTP requests to Launcher’s local HTTP server.

Think of the applications as being client-side only. There are no servers. You can’t install PHP or MySQL on the SAFE Network.

You need to build a client-side application and interact with the SAFE Network using the local HTTP server. You don’t need MySQL because you can use the SAFE Network itself as a database :wink: (via the NFS API)


I have been thinking about this for a while and I think it would be good to write a package for interacting with the safe network like a database, implementing some kind of sql for example. I think this will be more relevant later when distributed compute comes on line

indeed. that would also make it awesome and much more friendly to new developers like me who just want to start programing with safe.