About the possible existence of multiple SAFE Networks

Sorry, I thought it was a sarcastic question because the second largest cryptocurrency in the world is a fork and everyone knows it…

I also don’t understand why we need to compare the end result - we are not a blockchain - it can survive with 99% of the miners leaving, we can’t. As I asked you in the Second network attack - discussion thread, we need to look at the movement of resources at the time of the attack, not the end result:

On November 10th, 2017, we have seen sudden growth of Bitcoin Cash (Bcash) price, which led to many miners and whole pools moving to mine on Bcash blockchain with promise of greater returns. This phase, during which Bcash gained more hash rate than Bitcoin, lasted for about 53 hours

That can be interesting to analyze too:

Bitcoin Cash vs. Bitcoin SV

Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash

Ethereum vs. Ethereum Classic