SAFE Health One app to rule them all.
I asked myself a few questions? What area in my life has been computer tech an utter failure time and time again…health care. Well I think the VistA programmers back in the day had the right idea and they still do, but they don’t have SAFE…that is why the most highly rated EHR in the US isn’t hardly used outside of government healthcare. Once we have Health SAFE the world will
I am going to take VistA (Decentralized Hospital Computer Program), which is the US VA’s 200 billion dollar open source project, and merge with SAFE network to solve every area of weakness for the VistA system. The current version that uses GT.M database is where I think SAFE will replace?
Decentralized Hospital Computer Program
The Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) is an enterprise-wide information system built around an Electronic Health Record (EHR), used throughout the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical system, known as the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). It consists of nearly 160-200 integrated software modules for clinical care, financial functions, and infrastructure.]
It has been in development since the 70’s, rated here in the US as the easiest EHR to use and is based on a
MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System) or alternatively M, is a general-purpose computer programming language that provides ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable) transaction processing. Its most unique and differentiating feature is its “built-in” database, enabling high-level access to disk storage using simple symbolic program variables and sub-scripted arrays, similar to the variables used by most languages to access main memory. The M database is a key-value database engine optimized for high-throughput transaction processing. As such it is in the class of “schema-less”, “schema-free,” or NoSQL databases. Internally, M stores data in multidimensional hierarchical sparse arrays (also known as key-value nodes, sub-trees, or associative memory). Each array may have up to 32 subscripts, or dimensions. A scalar can be thought of as an array element with zero subscripts. Nodes with varying numbers of subscripts (including one node with no subscripts) can freelyco-exist in the same array. Perhaps the most unusual aspect of the M language is the notion that the database is accessed through variables, rather than queries or retrievals. This means that accessing volatile memory and non-volatile storage use the same basic syntax, enabling a function to work on either local (volatile) or global (non-volatile) variables. Practically, this provides for extremely high performance data access.
The current open source version of MUMPS is GT.M:
GT.M is a high-throughput key-value database engine optimized for transaction processing. (It is a type also referred to as “schema-less”, “schema-free,” or “NoSQL.”) GT.M is also an application development platform and a compiler for the ISO standard M language, also known as MUMPS.
The more I look into this system I feel that same epiphany moment I had when I discovered MAIDSAFE. This 200+ modular health applications system are just MAID for SAFE Here is one example of an app that has already been built: Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) and more recent node.js prototype version that brings the UI into the modern world and really opened my mind to what is possible.
My starting question (For the experts) is this possible and what/where would the SAFE network replace in the current system? Here is a couple of pics of the system and a link to the detailed system architecture.
My best guess is SAFE would replace the “M Globals Access” area. VistA was developed by the US government and probably by the same folks in other governmental agencies, so I’m assuming there is a level in which they have built in a way to leak/capture the data but I am hopeful SAFE features will inoculate the network like it is going to do for the server less internet. SAFE needs to be placed in the VistA system just right.
It seems like creating a SAFE VistA distribution will not be too hard, here are some already done. Here is EWD.js is an Open Source, Node.js /JavaScript-based framework for building high-performance browser-based applications (like the node.js just shown) that integrate with MongoDB and/or Mumps databases (eg GT.M). Maybe this would be the easiest way to have EWD.js integrate with SAFE through the Node.js NodeM binding to the MaidSafe-API?
The VA is right in the middle of deploying “VistA Evolution,” which make things even easier with their strong push towards interoperability. The difficult part is where to expand the personal health information privileging scheme to a patient-info-creating-provider controlled access privileges scheme. In the VA’s system I believe the doctors have access to all patients in the database. Will MyHealthSAFE data be available to anyone on the system? My goal is for the patients to have complete control of all of their personal health information (PHI) and then grant access privileges to their personal health provider network. The health providers who are creating PHI will have permanent access to data they personally create. The main log-in authentication medium used will be what everyone has, a heart beat (electrophysiological biomarker). There is a road map for the current Vista Evolution and Program Plan that could be adopted to parallel a fork that incorporates SAFE.
welcome any and all advice and comments. 
Thank you for your time in reading this.