I think when we talk about the future of Safe and what will drive it we have a tendency to forget this distinction. Safe Network will be like the roads of a country cross-crossing over the expanse. Stores and other businesses will crop up along the highway and produce value. The main job in the beginning should be, imo, to facilitate the building of the stores, the apps. Provide sufficient incentive for the store-builders to come. If other highways spring up over time for one reason or another the existing roadway (Safe) will just have to modernize it’s arteries, improve its access pathways and use new technologies at least as well as the new competitors. It will have a great first-use advantage.
Dimitar, this is the second time you bring this up and try to justify the benefits of starting copycat networks. If someone will do it, good luck to them, if it would be someone from within this community, shame on them. So don’t be one of them and i think we should close this topic.
Having someone play a constructive role of Devil’s Advocate is a great asset, not a detriment to the project.
Glad to hear that. In my view, it’s the only consistent position.
For most people, the usefulness of speculation is very visible in action of those participating in ICO.
It’s quite simple to see its usefulness now, since holding and buying more is also useful cause it forms the price for which MaidSafe is selling.
But for some people, it’s very difficult to see its usefulness after the network gets ripe. I have no problem see its usefulness along the way, but my suspicion is we have a different view on that one…
Maybe it’s partly what Dimitar is talking about. In the faze of the launched network, the price will be the main communication channel with the world. A high price will imply high expectations and more trust.
The following paragraph is partly its own thing and maybe it’s for its own thread but I see some possible connections with what we are discussing now. So here it is.
What I see as a problem is a conflict of interest of MaidSafe in the price after launch. The reason being MaidSafe owes money denominated in SN and is able to tweak the distribution scheme. A higher price of SN means higher $ debt of MaidSafe. I see a big problem here since there is a big incentive to inflate the currency. I welcome to be proven wrong.
I am really trying to understand what exactly you seek to be improved @Dimitar.
The only explicit point I can find is a foundation uploading data?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
What is more apparent to me though is no matter what we do, no matter what measures we put in place a competitor can and will come up with alternatives. It is an endless cycle.
Hey, maybe it’s good to see this news:
Yes, my only suggestion is we discusse this option.
It’s cool the debt is from my shares in maidsafe which are already contracted over to the company. The hope is I will be paid over a 5 year period, but regardless the company is not exposed to the price. Otherwise there would be a conflict.
I am almost sure there is a mistake in your thinking.
Actually, more farmers do the opposite to the price of SN. More farmers → more sources → more MB you can buy for 1 SN → price of 1 SN goes up in dollar terms.
It’s not for the second time Dimitar brought it up, there were dozens of attempts of his to show there will be attempts to do this. Based on the theory of games there will. It’s only good he is talking about it since we can still do things to prevent this scenario.
But what would be driving this more competitive alternative with higher rewards and/or more sustainable rewards…?
- More Users
- More Growth
- More Data
That would come from something more useful and appealing to end more users.
It could happen, yes. But the way to defend against it is to focus on the data and making is useful, not the the token price/speculation.
Well yes to clarify, the relative cost of storing the same data on the network goes down with more farmers/resources, so it becomes cheaper to use for the end users, there for increasing demand once more etc.
Do you think that the foundation can upload for free useful data - for example Wikipedia?
Which foundation are you talking about here?
But yeah, anyone is free to contribute data to the network. Wikipedia would be amazing, and I could see that people might want to do that philanthropically, perhaps even wikipedia itself, as it might meet their aims perhaps at a lower cost than traditional hosting.
They always seem to be on a shoogly peg financially, although at least with Safe they would have their data accessible perpetually, even if their funding ran out in future.
The internet archive would be another organisation too, and we have of course talked with them a fair bit in the past, as their hosting costs are huge, and centralised. They are basically waiting for us to get it up and running!
I did not know about this. Do I understand you sacrificed your own shares to relieve the burden of the company?
Nevertheless, I think you are really great man @Dirvine, worth admiring by future generations. Hopefully, you make it to the history books!
Sideway thought: To be honest, I also started to trust in some really weird way in you - just after a few months on this forum… I usually do not trust people much. Hats off to you!
I see there is a logic in this statement. Income is in SN, debt expenses are in SN. In that way, you are not exposed to price. But still. If MaidSafe makes a high inflation distribution scheme, its without debt quickly. A slow scheme means a long time paying off the debt. Do I get it right? Isn’t there a conflict of interest with investors?
Anyway, if the scheme is set up so it will be paid in 5y, I think it’s a slow enough scheme in my estimation so I am not afraid of inflation in that scenario.
Thank you!!!
The Safe Foundation, which receives 2.5% of all inflation on the network.
If Nano currency can survive with out any reward system to run nodes and be representative, there is good chance that we will achieve it.
The only reason to run a node is, that it is quite cheap, you can make PoW for your transactions yourself and you support network you like and probably keep value of your coins. The community is also responsible to diversify voting power to as many representatives as possible to mitigate risk of bad behaviour on their owners.
For SafeNetwork that would mean if price is too high, community have to add more storage, if price is too low add more data and any larger holder of SNT should invest time and resources to protect own investment and not wait for others.
Anyway I also think that some other communities will run own fork as replacement of community torrent trackers. They never got reward to seed them and never paid to upload, but with own network, they will have much better control over data and privacy (and after hitting million users will rise the coin price and be super rich )
Anyway we are the ones who can only grow to be bigger and bigger and we will attract user from all other sites and countries and probably “steal” some from Sia, Storj or Filecoin.
A new foundation you are proposing here you mean?
My knee-jerk reaction would be a worry about neutrality. The network is designed not to discriminate on data in any way, so it might this be a potential to taint that? A foundation deriving it’s resource from the network itself deciding on what data to store for free?
Not a new foundation. The current foundation, but with changed activity in support of the network. The way there is an Ethereum Foundation in support of the Ethereum Network
I think you mean the MaidSafe Foundation.