I initially didn’t take the op seriously because I was too focused on the exciting technology and the idea that the original designers and supporters will always have certain advantages over any fork. However, recent developments have changed my mind. I now think this will be one of the network’s biggest risk. Thanks @dimitar for consistently shining light on it.
The risk can be categorized into two main types:
If the network’s token economy model is not handled correctly, an early fork with a more robust economic model will quickly garner attention. The example of UniSwap vs SushiSwap that @dimitar linked to above was eye-opening to me. Essentially, the copy (SushiSwap) supplanted the original (UniSwap) and forced the original to adopt the same (greedy) economic model as the copy in order to survive.It will be important for the network to start off with a robust economic model at the outset so that it does not have to scramble later on to match a fork’s model or undo self-inflicted damage.
Going by some of the posts on the forum in the aftermath of the Jan 6 insurrection in the United States capital, the network may become a haven for the fascist types who willfully work to undermine democratic ideals while wrapping themselves in the flag and hiding behind freedom of speech, rights that they plainly deny others. If that happens, the network runs the risk of acquiring the reputation of being a haven for reprehensible content and people with non-peaceful views and predilections. The mainstream would not adopt such a network and a fork with advertised moderation and more wholesome image could quickly supplant it.Several things could help here:
Good content moderation apps/filters (there were topics on this front)
Trustworthy advocates to proactively and clearly explain to the public at large the nature of the network, both the bad and the good. These advocates will point out how the network can be used to protect sensitive data like health data and prevent abuses and hacks (hopefully there will be examples and comparative data by then). They will also remind the public of the needs for true, unalienable rights including freedom of speech, for all (not just for the in-group at the exclusion of the out-group) as long as it is non-violent. This message of rights needs to be accompanied with that of education and duty because with power comes responsibility. For the bad, advocates need to point out the powerful self-moderation tools and strongly make clear their opposition to reprehensible content and undemocratic views (the irony of fascists embracing a fundamentally democratic network!)
A variation of @dimitar’s idea for a foundation; one that would focus on helping universities and other scholarly institutions store and provide wider access to the world’s most important datasets. Such a foundation could also donate free safes and generally help those who cannot afford/understand it upload their data.