Hi there, I’m new to the forum. I’n not a coder but I like to think about projects like Maidsafe and other P2P networks.
Here’s a post I just did on Reddit/R/maidsafe.
Just like to do a little brainstorm about Maidsafe being implemented in hardware.
let’s say, there is an app on the Maidsafe-system which allows anyone to create a TV-channel and stream it to the SAFE-net. Using the app you can also watch television stations and even rewind for like 30 minutes. All chuncks of videodata older than 30 minutes will be deleted to make sure the network won’t be flooded with videostreams.
A company creates a mediaplayer/mediabox to use the Maidsafesystem. It’s open source and people can create firmware or use standard firmware. Would it be possible to do this? I think it is! Here are some ideas about how and why…
Maidsafe will open up their patents and sourcecode so anayone can use Maidsafe/SAFE-net without paying a cent. Hardware companies love that. No negotiations, no discussions about patents or anything. Just use the technology in the hardware with respect to the license and you’re free to go.
Mediaplayers are becoming cheaper and better. Google is offering their Chromecast for a very nice price.
Users hate using passwords, don’t like to use apps on their smart-tv’s with all the different interfaces and just want to watch television!
So, after thinking about all the points above I present to you my idea for the Maidsafe settop box.
- The box is quite small and fits under your TV-set just like Apple-tv.
- It runs Maidsafe in the firmware which will be lightning fast.
- In easymode it will create a random username, password and pin for the SAFE-net. This way no passwords needed to remember. This data is stored in the firmware as well. Only after a factory reset, a new password is needed.
- The box has a 120 GB SSD drive. This is way faster than a standard HDD and will be used as a vault for the SAFE-net. - -
- Money can be made because the box will be online 24/7 to provide chuncks of data.
- The remote is quite simple as well. 999 channels can be programmed in order the user likes it.
- It runs a TV-app in the firmware. It provides you with a list of TV-channels which are streamed on the SAFE-net.
- Some extra apps can be installed in expert-mode. Netflix and HBO may provide Maidsafe-users a cheaper service - because they don’t use as much data on their network.
Ofcourse the list can go on and on… But I think using Maidsafe in hardware would be awesome! please leave a reply if you have any thoughts about this idea…