Yet Another Safecoin Divisibility idea (YASDI) - Network has a wallet - Decimal coins

The balance idea I proposed is like a hard data object for the part coin amount. Just a variable amount rather than a set denomination. A MD must be created/exist to hold the part coin amount. When a coin is used to make a balance MD (Wallet MD) it is frozen and when a balance is > 1.0 then a coin is unfrozen and sent to the wallet address. So effectively automatic recombination. Actually Rene’ borrowed that part from me and I borrowed it from Ben a year ago.

So you propose to have set part coin denominations MDs and the balance idea proposed variable balance MDs tied to a wallet to reduce gaming/attack surface. Just wondering if the increased proliferation of these Denominations is worth the concept of fixed part coin MDs. Remember that micro-transcations will want 0.000001 and much lower denominations. Possibly even pay farming rewards per GET (if win “lottery”)

Considering even if it was a pure balance held without it requiring its hard money MD to hold the balance it would be worth the saving on network load and data storage, The reason being it is solving a different problem to the coin. The network has less work to do to handle part coin amounts and is (almost) infinitely divisible.

And my balance proposal turned the balance in to “hard Money” as you called it by making the balance be stored in an MD held in the Wallet data set for a wallet address.

The balance idea is similar to the denomination idea in that denominations MDs require a safecoin to be held in a frozen state as backing for the denomination “coins”. The balance requires a safecoin to be frozen as backing for the amount. A safecoin worth of denomination “coins” can be removed in exchange for a frozen safecoin. The balance MD will be reduced by a safecoin amount automatically in exchange for a safecoin.

Really the difference is that the denominations require the frozen safecoin to be split entirely into the (requested) denomination MDs and the balance idea only requires the frozen coin to be added to a balance MD. The balance idea require no more MDs than is already needed since you need some sort of data structure to hold a wallet’s coin addresses.

For me the biggest issue with the denomination ideas is that the number of MDs required seem to far outweigh the elegance benefits. Even with the limiting and recombination, I still feel that the number of denomination MDs will be forever increasing and can it ever handle the 0.000001 denominations or as some want 0.000000001 and lower. As the value of the safecoin increases the requirement for smaller and smaller denominations increase. Reasons for milli/micro safecoin transactions today will become the reasons for micro/nano safecoin transactions at a later time.