There is a group that offer “ATM” services to buy bitcoin. There is one operating in a cafe on the same side of town to where I live and you simply stuff cash into the “ATM”, give it your BTC address (QR code scanning) and some time later you are notified of the transfer being complete.
search google for bitcoin ATM, “localbitcoins” site often has a listing or two for Bitcoin ATMs under bitcoin for cash.
Maybe if they are approached to program in SAFEcoin.
Farming is the real Savior of this Project though, and that’s where the attention should be.
Farming is what is going to take SAFE Network and SafeCoin to the world extremely quickly.
Many many people have computers these days, connected to the internet, so if they can just passively make money on them all day long, I’m sure many would take that up.
I was reading down the thread scratching my head wondering why no one had pointed out the obvious.
One of the main reasons safecoins can quickly become ubiquitious is the fact that you don’t need to buy them.
The vast majority of users in the early days will only need very few safecoins to save their photos and files and a few other things. I do not imagine most will buy them, and in fact we don’t need or want these users to be buying their coins. We would surely rather farming was truly decentralised and we were all doing it?!
This and black market use will be the main drivers behind buying safecoins imo. These guys won’t need much help navigating crypto.
I think one of the (many) reasons safenet is poised to take-over is because this fundamental barrier to access safecoins is so low… it was my understanding that farming will only require a few clicks of a mouse and be basically idiot-proof.
In Europe you can buy bitcoin instantly e.g. with “instant wire transfers”, I don’t know about the US or other countries. Then you could hope that service like shapeshift would offer instant conversion to safecoin. This would still be somewhat complicated. But there could emerge services that offer you to buy safecoin (probably just after massive adoption). Nice would of course be decentralized (and autonomous) exchange, at least between bitcoin and safecoin, but for that you might need something like btcrelay on ethereum, I don’t know how soon we can expect that…
I am interested what the network determines cost per PUT on the network, cheap PUT means< I buy safe coin for my data and a costly PUT means I will farm for my data.
I am hoping SAFE coin on the exchanges do not remain high that will result in no one wanting to use the network to store data and farmers not being bothered to support the network because of lack of content.
The problem is a investor wants high price for the investment, but a user will want a low price to store data.
That could be fixed by divisible coins. High priced coins, but little amount needed to store the data required. Not sure I want my investment to hit rock bottom…
Yeah but at the same time if everyone begins to farm, farms go up, rewards go down you could be farm for a hell of a long time before anything valuable is gained… kind of like the people who wanted to get into bitcoin not by buying it but by doing all those stupid ad requests like watching dozens of videos over the course of a few days/weeks.
The market however is super interesting in the respect because as you say the market wants one thing and the network wants another however I think they are separate topics because of divisibility.
Farmers will act like a kind of self balancing unit that none of the other crypto currencies have yet they are affected by both the market and the network PUTs and retrievals of data. So these guys will need to behave smart and work with the network demands and fluctuations. I see them building programs to read these things and then automatically switch off and on farms.
The really interesting thing will be how sellers, merchants, creators, app devs etc. decide to sell and price their services and how they keep up with these fluctuations.
The algorithms at this time work appeal to human nature, space too much farming rate (FR) drops and if need more then FR rises. Some will decide to stop farming (or reduce vault space) if there is little to no coin being made. This results in the farming rate increasing as the space drops.
And if the network is large enough then its hoped that a balance will eventuate where enough people are happy enough with the FR to farm with certain amount of vault space.
If the available space is not enough because of the uploads then the FR rises and people are encouraged to either add more vaults/vault-space or to start farming (again). If the network is large enough then huge swings in FR should not really occur.
But that will be the fun of testing and early days of the network, how FR will swing about.
maybe SAFEUSD??? I think if someone can figure out an atm where you can preload a card or page with coin go to the machine scan that QR code, or magnetic strip with the private key; and withdraw the cash that will be excellent.