What if we get DAO'ed?

The bug itself didn’t threaten the entire existence really, it was the stupidly huge amount of cash behind it that helped it get to that point .

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So a smaller amount of cash would have prevented it? :smiley: And how much might that be? (How long is a piece of string?)

The existential bug plus puerile, destructive, self-justifying people are the sufficient and necessary conditions for being “DAOd.” Better programming and longer testing would mitigate the one, while pest eradication would mitigate the other.

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No one even said this.

The answer was in regards to the severity of such a bug, which if less money was on the line would of been less severe . The degree of severity was increased purely by the shear amount of cash that was invested into the project.

$5000 placed into this project with the discovery of such a bug and it would of been fixed and caused much less problems and been fixed more easily .

The severity of the bug is increased depending on the risk involved in such a bug , the more money the more at risk and the more to risk . less amount of money would of made the bug less damaging and easier to deal with problem decreasing the severity of the bug

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The only useful thing you have said. Bug bounties are great.

Nah i think you missed the point again . It is most likely my fault i am typing like an idiot .

If the project had raised a total of $5000 , The bug wouldn’t of had such a huge amount of risk of failure , The bug wouldn’t of threatened such a huge 200+ million dollar project and force another coin that you built on top of wouldn’t also be at increased risk.

If the same % lost or siphoned out of the project at $5000 market cap, then the bug would of been a pretty minor easy to fix bug with much less at risk .

The amount of money at risk in the project made the bug a hell of a lot more severe than it is , the relation of what is at risk(financially) weighted against the bug(purely by itself) increases it’s severity 10 fold .

The bug on it’s own was pretty minor a fairly normal encountered bug while programming , the amount of cash held in the project is what made this bug go from minor to hugely severe.

I got the point, I just don’t agree with it.

And stop using idiots as a prop! Idiots have rights too, you know! :slight_smile: