What do you expect from Alpha 2?

This is a BIG ask for me personally…

All-in-One Interface

Right now we are making individual APPS, one by one. It’s understandable to start small, and focus on basic functionality. But that isn’t how most people surf the internet. Just about everything is done through your browser.

Imagine many APPS opening and asking for permission from the launcher. 1 or 2 may not seem like a big deal. But when you have to do this 10+ times per login… it becomes tiresome.

I wrote about this awhile ago. See the post below.

Obviously a LOT has changed which led us to where we are today. So what can we do going forward?

Perhaps, we can download a SAFE Network Bundle, which is the (SAFE Launcher) + (SAFE Browser) + (selected APPS).

Step 1. Create an account from the SAFE Launcher and Log in.
Step 2. Configure your SAFE Browser by “adding” SAFE APPS as plugins.
Step 3. Open your “customized” SAFE Browser and have fun!

Step 1
This is already done.

Step 2
This requires a SAFE APP STORE where APPS are uploaded and rated by other users. Some APPS will be free while others charge Safecoin.
This requires the SAFE Browser to have APP “options” users can select during the download.

EITHER way… the goal is to create 1 seamless interface with multiple functionality. But also giving the user “choice” in selecting and modifying which APPS they want to use in their browser bundle.

Step 3
Once your APPS have been added/selected, then you only need to open the SAFE Browser and get permission once. The APPS you added/selected are part of your SAFE Browser.

I get the reason for starting everything as “individual” components, which makes sense for development. But honestly, it doesn’t work so well for consumers.

If we are going to build our own SAFE Browser, it needs APP plugins. This allows users to customize their SAFE experience with different APPS. It will also make the SAFE experience bigger, better … faster.