Thanks @Glen_Simister, Devolution is a powerful idea and your demo very impressive, and effective in showing what might be achieved. The UX looks really good, logical, comprehensive and I think, the result of lots of hard work, and obvious skill! I wish I had your ability with front end work.
I only watched about half of the video, so I apologise if anything I ask is covered there. I didn’t want to sit through the politics, relevant though it is, I think it is a distraction from what you are creating and what Devolution can enable. So I may have missed stuff in the second half.
I’m interested to hear more about the background - how you got here and where here is, and what’s next.
So… how long have you been working on this and how long has there been a demo - it feels so polished both in terms of the ideas, scope and the demo, that I imagine you’ve been working on it for a while. Like Maidsafe!
Did you model it on anything wrt intentional community etc?
I wonder how it has developed and what you’ve learned along the way, whether you’ve had help, how you built it and why. What else is needed and how you plan to go about that?
It’s so ambitious I imagine it may need some smaller incarnations to grow both in capability and in people’s awareness. Do you think?
An area that springs to mind is as a vehicle for online collaboration on software to start with. There have been a few initiatives in that area, including on this forum, but they don’t seem to stay the course. Sometimes this is to do with a lack of people with time or focus, but maybe there are other reasons why this is hard too. Another example that I recall is I think called CollectiveOne, but its a while since I looked at that. Have you looked at those kind of initiatives?
I’m really not sure how something like this gets of the ground, but it’s an awesome project, good luck.