Vdash - dashboard for Autonomi nodes

For me it is displaying everything except Storecost and RAM, as before those updates.


If you run many nodes there is a trick to see how many is active. If example Vdash shows around 70-80/180 nodes active, then choose a node in the list, click enter to see details, wait maybe 10-20 seconds, click enter again and then it will show the correct number example 176/180 or something similar.

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I just started 12 nodes at one go, and saw 100% CPU for a while - possibly between 1-3 minutes. Few months ago, when I last used Vdash, this would have led some shunning. Now, nothing! Nodes just seem to work without problems.

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I look forward to being able to easily roll custom nodes.

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If you get the chance to take a look, It is getting a little harder to view earnigns on Vdash at the moment. :slight_smile: :heart:

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vdash v0.19.3

I’ve published v0.19.3 which is a quick hack to show higher earnings.

To install/update (after installing Rust):

cargo install vdash

If you have a problem try rustup update and if that fails, see the OP / vdash README.

New look…


Thanks, works great!

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