Updates from MaidSafe HQ

Wee update on our AT2/DBC GitHub - maidsafe/sn_dbc: Safe Network DBCs

Currently unoptimised (no batch sigs etc.) mint show us at circa 19,000 tps. We think for a data network this is not too shabby at all :slight_smile: This is a good start and should clear the way for micropayments at a significant scale. On launch, we will of course have a mint per section, so this value will scale with the network, which feels natural.

@danda has been working on a stand-alone mint which looks great and will allow this side of things to be tested independently. Also great for everyone to play with. We may set up a DO mint, obviously, that’s untrusted, but will show the process and start allowing devs to poke around the mechanics of the economy. He will likely post the mint code soon, on the forum (if yer sneaky you would see it in his repo somewhere (GitHub - dan-da/sn_dbc_mint :wink: Hang on though it needs a couple of tweaks). It’s all starting to look very user friendly and efficient.

In terms of the mem consumption, we have had a few breakthroughs. The number of messages was way way too high and that is being addressed, some great progress from @Josh there today and @qi_ma is gathering a PR to cement some fixes. @bochaco has started a great move to pull all messages from routing. @oetyng is on DBC integration, routing re-org (for readability) and @lionel.faber hammering concurrency support with @yogesh almost well again, completing Ae. A good week here and lots to smile about.