Update 22 August, 2024

You sailors… wit yes like?


just like your toes?


Not just his toes, were we not going to rename the nano to the joshtoshi?


Well I may have been distracted by the EVM drop but it seems that I was the only one who didn’t notice :sweat_smile:


Right talk amongst yourselves (quietly), guests are away, now to read the update…


So glad you quoted that or I would have missed it!

Ooh… definitely looking forward to seeing how this one plays out.

If it means ETH L2 compatible tokens can more easily be integrated for Autonomi based DEXs & possibly vice-versa, then it’ll be a big win, even if it seems like an unwanted crutch initially… I’m probably way off, but keen to hear details as soon as possible :slight_smile:

Overall, seems like great progress.

Hoping the most annoying bugs get squashed in the next couple of releases, and that it’s not long before the Beta network can be used as well as hosted.

Amazing work team Autonomi!


Aye, we are all hoping that.
The team appear upbeat and confident, so things must look better from their end than from ours right now. This is a GoodThing.


Being unfamiliar with this EVM and ETH use of it. Does this mean you are going to pay for uploading with ETH? I hope not. Who would ever use the token then


Don’t know if the Ehereum EVM L2 payments is a good thing, maybe it creates some hype or something but don’t hope that it is something other than something cool outside Autonomis own system.

From my experience with wrapped tokens which just seems like scams and bridges which I guess is L2 payments is. From my experience is that they cost a F’ck load of money to transfer in and out from layers. So many hundreds of $ I lost on just a couple wrapped transactions and bridges, makes me angry just thinking about it.

But if it is something that can be added for fun on the side of Autonomi’s system then it might be cool or something.


very exciting but, why would they have deleted it from the post?


I expect it would be an EVM compatible version of the Autonomi Network Token, so would be from the same supply.


I am wondering if its just using the implementation of it to incorporate into autonomi payment system to simplify things. I threw in the ETH payment in order to show the confusion it brings and using worse case interpretation to hopefully get a “no not using ETH to pay but its something else/better” response


I highly doubt that, my guess is that Autonomi will position to be used as the the data storage layer for eth applications.

That would be pretty incredible.


Especially if the network token were interoperable with ETH based tokens so payments from DEXs and smart contracts could be seamless.

This kind of uneducated speculation is probably why they didn’t want the info out yet ahead of time :laughing:


Well they let the cat (almost) out of the bag :joy: better come clean before we go too bonkers.


Can anyone share chart of total node count starting from first beta version launch?
It is good to have technical changes, but it’s also important to see how node owners react to these changes by adding or removing their nodes.

Looks like it was @Josh keeping you on your toes now :joy: #message deleted


Thx 4 the update Maidsafe devs

@happybeing @loziniak :clap: :clap:

Hopefully node size will get much larger

Much respect to the 0 nanos that keep their nodes running from home, it shows you really want this Network to… :beers:

What if you embraced this idea? Imagine if, you could import your Eth privkey to the Network. Next you enter the ticker ETH, following that your asked @ what resolution you want your ETH to be represented in SAFE?

In 1 ETH it’s case it would be a resolution of 1.000000000 MAID because we can’t represent wei in the Network yet.
1 BTCs resolution would be 1.00000000 MAID
1 Tethers resolution would be 1.00 MAID
I would suggest that the transaction costs of these altSAFE would be 0.000000001, 0.00000001 and 0.01. Imagine if, they made a transfer with Tether their tx cost would be 0.01 USDT on their balance. Whenever they would pay for upload, the balance in their wallet would show an USDT value, but the underlying coin is SAFE. Also whenever they make a tx their altSAFE would return back into SAFE for the receiver. Eventually through tx’s the altSAFEs would disappear
, but it does leave room for experimentation.

Does it matter if you pay with an altSAFE or SAFE if it’s both SAFE that’s the underlying coin? The flipside could be that their coin doesn’t disappear, when they pay in SAFE for a tx.

Maybe an estimated 200 M Ethereum holders
I’ve change my idea from the previous idea that it would cost 1 nano to create a altSAFE. This new version would make it expensive in nano term to create a dollar compare to BTC OR ETH. The more ideas can live on the Network and the more we can cut the cost of cryptos relative to… hihi it would also be cheaper to transact on the Network than the original blockchains.

This would also be like a game, imagine wanting to print $35 trillion, citizen could pay the tx fee in the altSAFE and disappear the currency. Thx btw @neo :beers:, you made me think different about my previous idea with your question.

Keep coding/hacking/testing super ants


Bye bye Autonomi token then.

@neo it’s actually this idea again

Except the true decimals places of BTC, ETH and USDT are applied.

In all honesty, I don’t really care about these playgrounds. Give me 1 gram of dna storage for 1 nano and I’ll happily explore creating a virtual cell and…

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