After reading through I see there is a fair amount of concern being voiced. As one who’s been voicing concerns for some time I will add in my two cents.
I believe that Maidsafe’s runway is getting very short. They’ve seen this coming for some time but they need to get to token launch to unlock more funding.
So the network will likely not be the whitepaper dream at launch, but given they will have more funds, development can persist - and that’s the critical point.
My concern has been to get the team to put more into marketing and partnerships before launch so that the token can hold value at launch - again, so that development can persist.
My conclusion is that there isn’t any easy option forward here. If the community wants to work together to facilitate the network development, that’s great. Who’s going to lead that? Perhaps after launch, assuming the token maintains or increases in value and we have more liquidity, then the Foundation can fund some community groups to facilitate further development and testing - if fact I believe they’d be on board with that idea if a community group(s) come forward to do such.
I can’t really be negative on the launch timing itself - the team knows their runway better than any of us.
Let’s get this beast across the token-launch finish line, then we can afford to worry about the other bits.
Logic tells me that when testing a new network for errors, the best approach is to gradually increase the stress to identify error points along the way, tweak those errors, and work towards stability before it can be launched at its full capacity. This network is therefore not ready to be launched until it has reached that full capacity.
I am sure the network won’t launch until it’s ready—whether that’s in January, February, or maybe even June or July.
Just Relax, be patient, and show your support. Encouragement goes a long way and works wonders compared to treating the team as if they were a couple of little kids that need our guidance.
As investor, the CEO launching a “side hustle” called Autonomi Labs is very good news. it means there is a wise segmentation of business between the core project and then the mountain of shtuff that will be built on it. A-mi needs to be focused on their core, that’s more than enough to keep them busy. meanwhile there’s this growth thing in a really good relationship with the mothership. Me likes.
Except this is a separate company with 2 shareholders. I expect this is as was stated a way to be able to wind down Maidsafe and let the foundation to own/run it, and to allow David to continue developing. This was mentioned using different words by Bux
As for the update, CHEERS!! I appreciate everyone’s contributions, and I absolutely love reading about the things (many of which I have no idea about) that are going on behind the scenes.
Big nods of agreement to @Southside@happybeing@neo@rreive@riddim with regards to communication. I appreciate @Shu bringing some response, at least we know someone is listening. i know what it’s like to jump into discord after being away for a few days and i can’t imagine anyone being expected to comb through it all to find the relevant/useful bits. yes, i know many times tags are used to specify a set of ears intended to hear the post. and i do wonder why there are so very few direct responses. @JimCollinson WE LOVE YOU!! and we would love to hear from you on occaision. i do hope you take your tea with a couple southy biscuits, slathered with marmite and a big side of that stuff rreive wrote about.
I was quite happy to see my nodes barely shunned and a steady yet tiny flow of attos coming in. and i am indeed very happy to see the network whirring along smoothly. but all the beatings we are not giving it now will surely be felt when it’s thrown out onto the pitch for a real match with the likes of other data storage providers, not to mention the ruffians, hooligans and Mr. Smith.
Hi Nigel, i have a question about jams . Are you aware of made by community member @aboynejames (health science) ? Do you see any opportunities in smart watches as a distribution system for music apps like jams?
Had the same opinion a mounth ago, BUT give it a try again. For me the launch software is connecting and eaven earning from home/work/car/hotel on my laptop. It is 70% ok. 30% needs to be fixed before we plebbes starts bugging our friends to join and get the snowball rolling
as of now it will be significantly slower if we did I’d assume … but it definitely would be possible … in the end aside from crappy routers and ip changes what’s the difference between home nodes and datacenter nodes? … all computers running the same software … (ideally home runners do port-forward or use an exposed host to run nodes and provide relay-nodes too then there’s only the speed difference left …)
I agree on this. As I’ve said before, some folks seem to think this is like an academic project, with endless runway, to get a perfect network, one day in a distant future.
This must be one of the longest running projects in the space and the fact it has got this far on the funds available is amazing.
The team are probably heads down, aiming 100% at launch. The community can be a distraction - especially when negative - and they may just want to get their goal done. Then they can breath. Then the tokens can flow. Then the community can be engaged again.
I get that folks don’t like this change, but second guessing what the team are/aren’t doing may not be helping. We should be here to help, whenever and wherever we can. If they don’t want/need out input right now, we should respect that, imho.
Fwiw, I’m still building to the evolving API with sn_httpd. I’ll make suggestions where suitable, but I’m patiently waiting on the team to do their thing, mostly.
If folks want to do their own testing, why not? I suspect Maidsafe just don’t have the scope/resources for that to be part of their plan. They are likely executing stuff internally too though and maybe haven’t the time to articulate that fully.