Understand if-how Parsec solves this problem, please explain/describe Parsec

My guess would be this is at the bottom of MaidSafe’s todo list right now until they start re-working their common coin. Also you are aware that Pierre actually has another job and is not maintaining Parsec or currently involved at any level with MaidSafe development right? As for the other two they are very busy delivering on Fleming.


No update, @Guy.

Like you said, the paper is undergoing peer review and it’s available on Arxiv in the meantime:

This is not in Maidsafe hands or in my hands right now. It’s in the hands of the journal and the academic reviewers.
People at Maidsafe will be notified when there is progress on this, and I’m sure they will bring it up in the forum.


Very interesting. Andreas Flacker and William J Buchanan also participate in the new Whitepaper.

We already know that in a perfect world shouldn’t be important but, in which we live, a name like William J Buchanan greatly increases the chances that the Whitepaper will be published.


Hello, What do you think about TPS of parsec? Can you compare it with existing cosmos tendermint engine?

There is limit about 700TPS for each section, (based on similar limits with other projects, where HW and bandwidth are on limits), but SafeNetwork will have much more sections.

So if someone will spam as much as possible, he will only disturb one section and not whole network.

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Thanks! I’m curious about this ‘section’ too. In cosmos network, each zone( blockchain) has own consensus and status (who owns how many coins). When one zone is compromised due to whatever reasons( hack, software error…) then damage may spill over to other zones who interconnected with it. Is this ‘section’ has a similar problem as cosmos zone? or ‘section’ is cannot be pinpointed unlike cosmos zone? so consequently safer ?

It is difference between an attack as double spent or disturb by spamming.

There is very hard to have more than 1/3 of elders in one section under own control, while not having 1/3 of all elders in whole network, but If someone will have it, he can control the network. The probability is bigger at the start of the SAFEnetwork than anytime later.

If section is only disturbed by spam attack, there could be time-outs, lags etc, but no serious damage.
If you are going to load page and one chunk comes from disturbed section, it will probably takes longer. Some future tests will show.


Curious about where the 700TPS number comes from… got any links for it?