Silicon Valley Season Six Baby!

Yeah, no real mention of MaidSafe in final episode heh. Not that I honestly think a small logo of us in there or even a mention would drive crazy amounts of people here right now. Only way you honestly get attention from the masses is price of coin movements. But I don’t think SAFE is ready for that, they need a network foundation before any hype comes.

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Yeah, it was the most disappointing endings ever.
After getting so many things right, it seemed they were making a moral stance towards everything that is wrong in current tech… dropping the ball in the endline was really really disappointing

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You are right. SafeNet will be an 8th wonder of the world when launched. We are seeing the foundations laid now. We’ll want attention when we are closer to a live network or when we have a solid foundation laid.

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I didn’t mind the last episode. I thought the middle of the season was more disappointing when it was said to be “the world’s greatest surveillance machine” (if I remember that quote properly).

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Thought it was a great ending for an entertaining show. There is often comedy in pain and pain in comedy. It hurt but was presented in a “where are they now”, crash and burn kind of way. I think the fact the pied piper team had such a strong mind for altruism in such a cutthroat environment was inspiring.

And if Mike would have gave them our ending… well how fun would that have been for us? :wink:
Thanks Mike.