Safecoin Wallet requirements brainstorming

I created this very basic safetestcoin data layout I thought I could share just for the sake of opening the discussion, and possibly towards agreeing on the one to be implemented in the first wallet app (thanks to @neo, @Seneca and @Southside for helping me in understanding some aspects of the safecoins in gral. I recommend this post to anyone trying to understand about safecoin and/or altcoins in SAFE).

Some notes:

  • SafeTestCoin’s IDs are generated by the vaults when farming.
  • AppendableData has a size limit, my understanding is that using StructuredData for the wallets would prevent some additional complexity in this regard.
  • The ID of a wallet is calculated from the PublicKey, so it contains the list of only the coins owned by the same PublicKey. Coins owned by another PublicKey shall be kept in a separate wallet.
  • If the app can generate a deterministic string, based on the account’s private information (…I didn’t dig into this to understand exactly which info and/or how though…), which can then be prefixed to the PublicKey. If we make this standard, any wallet app should be able to retrieve/import/read the wallets as long as it is provisioned with the PublicKeys.

An alternative could be just a single MutableData:

If you think this should be kept in a separate discussion please let me know or just split it.