I’m not talking about scraping the SAFEr proposal but instead adding competition and give the community options. It’s seems that part of the community wants a lot of ad ons and complexity ie cross browser support, mixed content, and .safenet integration and there is another part of the community that’s just wants something simple function ie SAFE: only.
There is no competition because I was under the impression the browser was going to be built by SAFEr project with a clean, simple, design cheaper than my proposal.
If this community cannot stick with a simple proposal, vote, build what was agreed plan, then I will be happy to breath new life into my proposal.
Not everything has to be complicated SAFEnetwork and designed perfectly the first version or all of the worlds humanity will be lost. I’m sure making a simple browser will have an appeal and if it is built on our own then it should get safecoins later.
Contact me if you are interested in building what I previously described. We could work out some kind of multisig wallet (I’d prefer storing value in gold) that will be used to pay dev team directly and for every dollar put in would get a portion of a share in SC rewards later.